Jey Uso

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After having breakfast with Jimmy and Jey's dad, you two head to the PC arena for tonight's show, Jimmy is making his return tonight, Trinity is too so tonight is definitely going to be an amazing night, After you two arrive at the arena, you and Jey go through the steps so you and Jey can go in, Jey has to go meet up with Roman and Seth before the show starts, you got to go to your station to start your shift, Jey kisses you and then heads to his locker-room to drop his bag off then he heads to meet up with Roman and Seth. You arrive at your station, you go over your clients, you smile big when you see Trinity's aka Naomi name as you set up everything you need for tonight's show as Jey comes around and says "did you hear Trinity and Jimmy are coming back tonight? As you giggle and say "yeah I got Trinity on my schedule" as he smiles big "alright love I'm heading to my locker-room to get ready, I got a match against Sami, and after the match Jimmy makes his return" as you look at him "good luck Jey" as he smirks and pulls you into a kiss then he heads to his locker-room to get ready for the show and his match against Sami and finally celebrate jimmy's return,

Your first client is Alexis Bliss as you work on her then Charlotte, Peyton then finally Naomi, you got to do Paige's too but hers is later on in the night, Steph comes in with HHH and walks over and smiles at you "hi darling good night so far? As you smile at her and finishes up Peyton "yes mama very good night, you and HHH here for the big announcement Mr. Mcmahon has to make? As she smiles at you "yep can I get a touch up after Naomi? As you nod your head at her "sure give me about 30 minutes and I'll fix you up" as she nods and goes off with HHH as Naomi walks up "hi girly" as you giggle at her "you bitch we where at breakfast and you could have told me about you coming back and Jimmy that's amazing news" as she laughs "I know I just like to see you totally surprised, I got to run out and save Lana later on after her match with Peyton who has some back up from billy kay" as you giggle and says "cool beans Lana has been doing really well of late" as she nods her head and you get start on her then you tell her you will see her later on at the cafeteria, as she smiles and goes to her locker-room to get ready for her spot. As Steph comes up and you redo her hair for her spot with HHH, Shane, Linda and her dad Vince later on tonight on the show.

To be continued in a few day... Ill be working on the new character I am added to this book and the first one to!!!!

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