Eddie Kingston

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Continues on your trip home: a couple hour later you are with Dallas and Sammy seating around the fire pit your brother Kyle got for your parents last year for their anniversary, as Dallas is telling you about Kyle's new girlfriend Remi she will be here tomorrow for the party, and yes she takes care of Kyle's son from a former girlfriend Kyle Jr. As you smile at her and you can't wait to meet her, Dallas is married to her high school sweetheart Seth, they have two boys Devin and Andy, Heath is single, Xander is married to a women named Judy and they have two kids one girl name Leah and then boy name Michael, Sammy is single too, and you are in a relationship with Eddie now. As your niece Leah comes up with your phone and it's ringing "Eddie's theme is playing and his picture is popping up with Mad King aka Eddie Kingston As you smile and take it from her "thanks babygirl" as you pick her up and put her on your lap as you answer it "hi Eddie" as he smiles into his phone "hi Lena, how is it going? As you smile as you rub your fingers through Leah's hair, it's likes yours when you where her age, "it's going good, I'm with my niece Leah, my sister Dallas and my brother Sammy, we are seating around the fire pit my other brother Kyle got my parents last year for their anniversary, how is it going with Jon? As he smiles and looks over at Jon who is in the pool relaxing, "good he is enjoying himself, I missed you so I wanted to call and hear your voice" as you smile and continue to rub your fingers through Leah's hair and say "I miss you too Eddie, and it's only two more days and I'll see you back in FL" as he knows your right and you two talk for a few minutes then hang up. As Dallas looks at you "Eddie Kingston is your man, damn sissy your not innocent anymore" as you shake your head at her "nah haven't been since I went to FL for my job, but have you told mom or dad about you expecting another little Bean yet? As you make sure you covered Leah's ears then you uncover them then Leah goes off with Sammy to see if Kyle and Heath are back yet and Dallas shakes her head "no not yet, me and Seth are going to do it tomorrow after mom's party, we got Devin and Andy cute shirts to put on to announce it, I hope it's a girl" as you smile at her "I bet Leah does too , she has been the granddaughter to mom and dad for a long time and with Heath and Sammy both single, it's going to be a while before they have kids, Kyle is happy with Kyle Jr, Xander has Leah and Michael which is plenty for him and Judy and my relationship is new with Eddie, so no kids are on the table right now" as she nods her head at you.

"She smiles "Remi has a little boy around Kyle Jr age so it's nice for Kyle Jr and his name is Max, he will be here tomorrow too" as you smile at her, when you got with Eddie you started to worry about your future kids with him, you want one of each a little girl and boy. You have their names picked out already, you had this names picked out since you where little, your little boy will named Cash Morgan Kingston then your little girl named Zoey Quinn Kingston now that your with Eddie and you want a future with him. As Kyle and Heath come back from the store with everything everyone wanted as you pay Heath for what he got you, as he smiles and kisses your forehead lighty, as you all head inside and have dinner then turn in for the night, you send texts to Eddie before you turn in for the night yourself, as he is in bed alone and he is lonely as you smile and text him back your in bed alone too. He sends you video from early,

 He sends you video from early,

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