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You two are still in new Mexico you two have the weekend left then you two have to head to New York for a show. Tonight he has something planned for you two, he has amazing idea for you two since tomorrow you will be heading back to the States for Monday night raw.

You are in the bedroom at the hotel, punk is out getting everything ready for tonight's special time together, he wants to ask you something important at dinner tonight, he loves you so much and wants you to know it plus he wants the next step in your relationship to happen and that's moving in together and he is going to ask you that big question at dinner tonight. You are getting ready for tonight's dinner as you are in the bathroom when he comes back in from getting everything ready for you two,

 You are getting ready for tonight's dinner as you are in the bathroom when he comes back in from getting everything ready for you two,

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You are dressed when he comes back in and sees you in the bathroom putting on your make-up and fixing your hair,

You are dressed when he comes back in and sees you in the bathroom putting on your make-up and fixing your hair,

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He finds you so damn hot and can't wait to ask you this big question in just a little bit.

He gets ready himself and gets you to shave his beard off he wants his baby face back and you can't believe he is going all out for tonight you love the baby face but your favorite is his shaved head and his beard. He smiles and kisses you on the lips after he gets dressed and you two head out to dinner at a restaurant he find the last time he was in New Mexico and he wants you to try it because it was amazing food and you can't wait to try it out, he loves you so much and you love him too and can't believe it's been a few months since you two got together and everything has been perfect and you can't wait to see what the future holds for you two.

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now