Eddie Kingston

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Your first date: a couple days later you are meeting Eddie for your guys first official date, you two are going to universal studios you both got passes and with work you two haven't been able to use them like you want to, but since you since aew is in Florida this month it's perfect timing and you two decided come and have your date here, you meet Eddie at the entrance and he is shocked when he sees you because your hair is completely different then the last time he saw you at the gym,

Your first date: a couple days later you are meeting Eddie for your guys first official date, you two are going to universal studios you both got passes and with work you two haven't been able to use them like you want to, but since you since aew ...

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As he smiles and walks over to you and says "omg you look beautiful Lena, I like your hair" as you smile at him "thanks Eddie I need a change" as he nods his head "it's a good change for sure" as he grabs your hand and you two walk through the The...

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As he smiles and walks over to you and says "omg you look beautiful Lena, I like your hair" as you smile at him "thanks Eddie I need a change" as he nods his head "it's a good change for sure" as he grabs your hand and you two walk through the Theme park and find the first ride you two are going to go on, Eddie is standing right beside you as you two are in line, for the hunk as you ask him about Jon love life, is his divorce finalized from Renee Young? As he smiles at you "yeah his divorce is finalized, he is single again, he is getting a DNA test on Nova through because Renee said some stuff that didn't settle right before she give birth to nova, why? As you smile at him "I have a friend who liked Jon and I was thinking they would be a good match and if Nova is his she loves kids and would love her own" as Eddie smiles at her "what's her name doll? As you look at him "Jasmine, she works with us she goes by Jazz" as he smiles and says "Jazz shit doll I think that would be a Good match for Jon I saw him checking her out a few days ago when we have aew last week, so next week set that shit up" as you laugh" and you two get on the hunk. Then you two continue to have fun on your date, riding more rides, getting food and having fun together.

Spending more time together: after your first date a couple days later you two are back at work, you are with Brandi and Cody going over some last minute details for tonight's show, Jazz is the makeup artist after you finish up with Brandi and Cody you go see Jazz and get your make up done for the show,

Spending more time together: after your first date a couple days later you two are back at work, you are with Brandi and Cody going over some last minute details for tonight's show, Jazz is the makeup artist after you finish up with Brandi and Cod...

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Then after she finish your makeup you two talk and you tell her about how Eddie is going to hint to Jon about about you like him tonight and Maybe you two can have a date sometime in the future if Jon would like" as Jazz smile big and hugs you, sh...

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Then after she finish your makeup you two talk and you tell her about how Eddie is going to hint to Jon about about you like him tonight and Maybe you two can have a date sometime in the future if Jon would like" as Jazz smile big and hugs you, she can't believe you and Eddie got this start for her, you are amazing friend she loves you. As you smiles at you then Orange Cassidy comes over and grabs you he needs you for a few minutes so you Tell Jazz you will see her later on then you leave with Orange and he says Dustin is going to be away for a couple days and Dustin said to find someone to train with while he is gone, Orange already picked Christian Cage for himself as you smile and say I'll ask Eddie Kingston, as Orange nods his head and you two separate and you go find Eddie who is in the cafeteria with Jon.

To be continued!!!!

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