Jeff Hardy

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You and Jeff are in Cameron, NC for the week he has his daughters and you two are spending time together at his house, you two got time off before the next big ppv in a few days.

You have become close to his daughters and you can't believe for the next few days it's just you four around his hometown, Jeff has some amazing ideas plans for you four while you are there in Cameron, NC he loves his time with his girls and now with you there it's even better, You four are at the house getting ready for your first night together. You four are watching some Netflix's you two order some take-out too since it's your first night your taking it light and easy! Each one of you holding one of the girls why you all watch a movie from Netflix's.

Jeff smiles he loves how much you love being around the girls already, it shows him you truly care about them and him, that is what he is looking for in his mate. You wants someone who treats his kids like their owns, even though they really aren't yours yet! But down the road when the time is right you two have already talked about it, he would love to have you become more involved in their lives and you love the idea of it! You love Jeff and and inreturn you love his daughters, they are apart of him so you care about them and love them as your own. And one day you hope they really will be yours! If everything works out like you and Jeff hopes it will be just fine! Down the road.

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