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It's the last day in Cameron and you two are getting everything ready to head back on the road with the company. You are in Jeff room packing his bags, yours is already done.

Jeff just got back from taking the girls to Beth their mom and his ex-wife, he comes up behind you and pulls you back into him as he wraps his arms around you and breaths your scent, as you giggle and learn back into "hi handsome, the girls safe and sound with beth? As he nods his head letting you know yep, then he says "after you get done packing the bags for work the next week, we will go out for dinner then come back to rest maybe watch a movie in bed" as you smile at him and finish packing then walk over and grab some clothes for dinner then you go into the bathroom to get ready,

Jeff just got back from taking the girls to Beth their mom and his ex-wife, he comes up behind you and pulls you back into him as he wraps his arms around you and breaths your scent, as you giggle and learn back into "hi handsome, the girls safe a...

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You let your hair is down Jeff said you are going somewhere that is romantic and classic, so when you come out he is shocked by your appearance as he got changed into something classic and casual he looks amazing you are truly blessed to have him as your own man.

You grab your shoes then sit down on the end of the bed to finish getting ready for your dinner together, you two head out after you finish up getting ready Jeff grabs your jacket you love your alone time with Jeff its amazing time you can't wait for this romantic dinner you two are going to be sharing soon, the last time you two had a romantic dinner was about a month ago so it's overdue for sure, he likes the steakhouses so you know more then likely that's where you two are going but your wrong tonight is your favorite place he is taking you to a Italian place your favorite in Cameron. So you are completely happy when you find out.

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