Drew McIntyre

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A couple days later, Drew is back on the road with NXT you aren't back yet you are home in Tampa Florida at your guys shared house, you got back to NXT next week, Drew will be back home in 2 days then you two will have 3 before you head back to work, your laying by the pool not knowing Drew is coming home early, HHH said he wasn't needed until next week's show after last night's show. As you look up when diesel starts to bark as you get up and walk to the front door to see Drew getting out of the cab as Diesel starts jumping around because he knows it's Drew, you can't believe he is home, you hope nothing happen at the show last night, you didn't see nothing when you watched it. As he turns around and sees your head picking over the fence as he hears Diesel barking like crazy as he walks to the gate and comes in pulling you into a hug and petting Diesel's head.

He smiles "Diesel boy down let daddy see mommy alright" as you smile and he kisses your forehead lightly, as you look at him "did something happen your not meant be home until two days " as he smiles "HHH said last night, was my last night until next weekend so I'm home with you babygirl and Diesel, so I was wondering if you want to go out to dinner tonight? As you giggle at him "tomorrow will be better I was thinking we could grill out tonight? As Drew smiles "good idea I'll take my bag and change into some shorts and come join you and Diesel out here at the pool, then later on I'll start the grill and we can have some amazing food together, I'll call and make reservations at a restaurant for tomorrow night alright? As you giggle and he kisses your lips.

As he walks in leaving you and Diesel alone outside in the backyard, while he goes inside and puts his bags in the bedroom changing into some shorts then comes out and joins you by the pool. He likes your swimsuit,

He has a few ideas for this week, he has a couple ideas and he can't wait for you to see them all

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He has a few ideas for this week, he has a couple ideas and he can't wait for you to see them all. He is planning to ask you to become Mrs Drew McIntyre during this time at home, plus he is getting a push in the company and he wants you to be by his side through it all no matter what, he told HHH the ideas and HHH likes them very much.

To be continued in a few days!!!!
I was thinking about adding Wade Barrett to this book at some point of time.

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