Ricky Starks & His Trainer Renee Part Three

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Request for amaariona
Two more parts the final will be two parts ... I'm thinking about added him to the list! But I got Christian Cage after I get done with Ricky and Renee!!!

After you two eat lunch at the Taco Street Truck and you two are now back in his car heading towards the Fairgrounds for the second part of your date, he has your hand in his as you two arrive at the fairgrounds, he parks his car in a spot then gets out and comes around and helps you out then he grabs your hand again and asks if Cassidy and Liv make it here yet? As you shake your head "no not yet he said yesterday at work their date isn't until later on today" as he smiles "me and Cassidy doesn't see eye to eye you know that right Renee but I promise to be nice to him and not start shit if he can keep his cool" as you smile big at him "I know Ricky and I appreciate you doing that since you know me and Cassidy are best friends" as he brings your hand up to his lips kissing it lightly "doll baby I told you, you make me want to be a better person, you make it easy to be sweet, but I have a reputation in the ring and plan to continued with that, but I'll be sweet for you anytime" as you two get your tickets then walk around for a few minutes before finding a ride to try.

You two spend a few hours together, Cassidy texts you when him and liv arrive at the gate, he knows your there and with Ricky and he told Liv he wants to size up Ricky Starks outside of work and see if he is right for you, he doesn't want his best friend getting hurt and she is down for it too because your her friend also, as you and Ricky are getting off the last ride and heading to get something to drink when Cassidy and Liv come up and join you two for a little bit. Ricky turns around and sees Cassidy and Liv walking up to you as he went and got you two lemonades from the stand, Liv and Cassidy are standing by you as Ricky smiles and hands you your lemonade as he walks over to you three, you take your lemonade and thank him as he nods his head at you and Cassidy smirks at Ricky "Starky" as Ricky smirks at Cassidy "Orange" as you laugh both Ricky and Cassidy both look at you. "Cassidy shakes his head and says "something funny Reese's Pieces" as you shake your head "mmm yes you two say your nothing alike but your both dead wrong" as Ricky shakes his head and comes to stand by you as he grabs your hand in his and Cassidy hates to admit but Ricky seems to be sweet for you, as Ricky invites them both to come on the next ride with you two and Liv smiles and Cassidy agreed and you four head over to the next line for the ride you four are going to ride. As Cassidy and Liv keep a close eye on Ricky until we all get on the ride. He is still holding your hand as you all get on the ride. Cassidy and Liv are right behind you and Ricky on the ride.

As you seat across from Ricky who smirks at you "Cassidy is an alright guy, maybe we all can hangout together in the future You, Me, Him and Liv" as you smile at him "aww Ricky your really trying aren't you? As he laughs "I will give it a go for you babygirl but no promises it will workout" as you smile and use your fingers to call him over so he can learn in towards you and when he does you kiss his lips lightly. As he kisses you back with passionately his right hand goes to your hair then you two pull apart and he smirks at you "damn babygirl" as you giggle and learn back in your seat and you two finish the ride together, Cassidy and Liv are right behind you two and when it ends they go off by themselves, leaving you and Ricky alone to finish your guys first date, you tell Ricky you will ask Cassidy if him and Liv want to hang out together in the future at work Wednesday, Tuesday night the company is throwing Brandi and Cody a baby shower for Baby Liberty Iris Rhodes, everyone is invited, you had liberty a special baby blanket made with her name on it, Ricky went and got her a small charm bracelet that Brandi and Cody can add to, the first charm is her initials. You went with Cassidy and he got Brandi and Cody some adorable onesies for baby liberty for newborns. He got her one with a couple oranges on it he thought it was cute, Liv went and got Brandi and Cody a gift card for diapers and wipes after she is born. You and Ricky continue to go around the fairgrounds enjoy the fair, his fingers are intertwined with yours. He smiles and says "so I was thinking I could drive you to work Wednesday for the baby shower and show, what do you think? As you smile at him "yeah I like that idea" as he smirks at you. "But right now I'm really enjoying our date" as you smile at him "me too Ricky" as you two head to the final ride of your guys date, he wants to take you to the beach and you two can walk along the water before he takes you home to your apartment building.  He hasn't let go of your hand and he doesn't plan on it either, it feels right in his. As you two finish up at the fair then head towards to his car and then towards the beach for a nice walk together.

To be continued!!!!

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