Jungle Boy

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You spend the night at Jack's place: After dinner with Jack, Noah and Austin you and Jack went and got some ice cream for everyone, he is holding your hand as you two walk from their house to the ice cream shop, it's only a few streets over, he smiles and says "so I was thinking about something important" as you look at him "what is that? As he say "we could invite your mom, my mom and Sofia down here for the ppv in a months time" as you smile at him "yeah I like that idea I'll call my mom tomorrow and set it up, you work on your mom and Sofia" as he smiles big at you and you two go get some ice cream then head back to his place.

You two arrive back and he hands the ice cream to Noah and Austin, you two got some cones at the ice cream shop, he grabs your hand and you two head to his room, you grab your bag from the living-room and heads to his room, he smiles and lays down on his back on the bed. As you put your bag on the end of the bed, he smiles and says "close the door babygirl" as you laugh and turn around and closes the door then turns around and walks back to the bed, you seat down And removes your shoes as he seats up and rubs your back. As you moan out at his touch, you learn back into his hands as he smirks and leans up and kisses your neck "babygirl your going to get it tonight nice and slow" as you turn your head and look at him "oh your going to Fuck me nice and slow Jack Perry? As he bites his lip and nods his head "you got a dirty mind babygirl" as you smile at him "oh you don't know the half of it Jack, my mind is naughty and I'm going to let you do things to me that would make our mom's upset" as he smiles and pulls you over on the bed and kisses you passionately. As he rubs his hands up your body, he squeeze your boobs throw your shirt. He kisses your lips and moves his hands to the end of your shirt and he pulls it over your head. He licks his lips when he sees your lingerie, it's black and lace he goes to your neck and he sucks on it as you moan out and he smirks and says "you got to be quiet babygirl, I don't want Noah and Austin hearing you screaming for my cock" as you bite down on your lips and your moan is muffled he moves his hands down to your shorts, and he makes you lift your hips and he slides them off his fingers run over your body and he says "omg babygirl your so hot, I'm taking my time with this, your going to be cumming so much in no time, from my fingers, mouth and my dick" as you bite your bottom lip and he smirks his hands go to remove your panties he makes you lift your your hips again as he slides them off and throws them behind him and they laid on the floor. He slides himself down your body and he opens your legs and looks at your pussy, you moan out but it's muffled he smirks and goes down on you he starts to suck on your clit. You run your fingers to his hair then through it as he sucks hard on your clit making you jump a bit, you haven't had someone in between your legs in a very long time, and the last one wasn't very good at it but Jack knows how to work his Tongue, as you moan and he feels you getting wetter by the moment because he found your sweet spot. As you run your fingers though his hair and pull at the ends as he pulls back and looks at you "babygirl be careful with the hair, I wouldn't be very good looking with bald spots" as you smile at him and he moves up your body and finds your lips. Kissing your lips lightly as you slide his pants and boxer shorts off as he smirks and say "babygirl you want this cock don't you? As you nod your head at him.

As he says "I'll give it to you only if you ride it" as you smile at him and he lays down on his back as he opens his side table and gets a condom, he goes to open it but you stop him you grab it and slowly open it, then you lick your lips and slide in on his cock, as he moans out from your touch, especially on his cock, then you push on his chest and crawl on his cock as he grabs your hips and you start to bounce on his cock he pulls you towards him as he kisses your lips and then he wraps his arms around you and starts to fuck you hard and fast as you scream out and he smirks and kisses your lips again to muffle your screams, one hand goes to your ass and squeeze it as the other one is holding you against his chest as he fucks you hard, you bit your bottom lip and you throw your head back and bend your back. A few minutes go by and you tight up around his cock as your about to climax on his cock, he feels you tight up around his cock and you start to shake, your about to climax he moves his fingers to your clit and he rubs it until you climax on his cock and you squirt too as he feels you dripping down his shaft. As he cums deep inside you in the condom, he then kisses your lips lightly, as he lifts you off his cock then you two lay down and catch your breaths, he then pulls you against his chest and you two get comfortable in each other's arms and you two go to sleep in each other's arms.

To be Continued!!!!

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