Jungle Boy

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request for kirstieh84

You two are on the farm with his sister and mom, and stepdad who are super excited you two are together finally. Jack is out in the barn with his mom's second husband Dean who has been in his and his sister life since Jack was 10 years old and his sister was 7 years old, Sophie is three years younger then Jack, two years younger then you, you are one year younger then Jack, his mom Rachel and stepdad Dean are four years apart, his dad was 6 and half years older then their mom. You are with Sophie and their mom Rachel inside the house. Sophie and Jack share the farm, it's in both their names, Rachel and Dean live close by but stay on the farm when they are in town and seeing the kids.

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Jack and Dean come in the house and Jack comes over and wraps his arms around you as you are standing in the kitchen with his mom and sister talking about work, he smirks and says "did Ella tell you two the good news yet? As his mom shakes her hea...

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Jack and Dean come in the house and Jack comes over and wraps his arms around you as you are standing in the kitchen with his mom and sister talking about work, he smirks and says "did Ella tell you two the good news yet? As his mom shakes her head "no what news Ella? As Jack wraps his arms around your lower waist placing his hands on your belly and you smile at Rachel and Sophie "I got a promotion at work, I am going to be co- head doctors, Dr. Smith is leaving us in one month so it will be me and Dr. Thompson as co-doctors" as all three of them, Rachel, Dean and Sophie congratulations you on this big accomplishment. You smile "Jack and Austin are going for the tag team titles next week and they are favorites to win" as Rachel smiles at her son "oh my boy is getting his first title in Aew, your dad is watching over you honey" as he smiles and kisses your cheek lightly "thanks mom he is my guardian Angel and I can't wait to make him proud next week" as he pulls you tighter against his chest his arms wrapped around his lower belly, he leans his head on your shoulder blade.

A few hours later you two are seating around the table with his mom, stepdad And sister having a good old talking, he has you on his lap, you leaning against his chest, as he smirks and kisses your cheek lightly. As you lean into him and he smirks big at you then looks over at his mom stepdad and sister who all have smiles on their faces as you all enjoy time together. His mom gets up and goes to start dinner, stepdad goes to the living-room and turns the TV on and watches some football, Sophie goes upstairs to her room and calls her boyfriend. You get up off Jack's lap and pulls him outside to the porch. He seats down on the porch swing and pulls you on his lap making you staddle him, his hands go to each side of your face and he pulls you into a kiss, he kisses your lips lightly. then pulls back and looks at you "I was thinking you should move in with Me, Noah and Austin then here we can make my room our room, we can rent your apartment out for money, you don't have to answer me right now, thank about it then when you got an answer tell me" as you smile at him and he pulls you against his chest and places his hands on your hips holding you as you lay your head on his chest.

He knows it's fast but you two have a very long history and he doesn't want to lose you again, so he is going to everything in him to make you happy and feel loved so you two stay together and build a relationship and future together, Sophie comes downstairs after she gets off the phone with her boyfriend Corey and comes outside with you two as she smiles "we should do a double date you two plus me and Corey while you two are here this weekend" as Jack smiles and agrees with that "tomorrow lunch works for us, ask Corey if that works for him, when you talk to him tonight before bed sissy" as she nods her head and Jack rubs his hands up and down your back stopping at the top of your ass, he moves up and down your hips and thighs too. You turn your face and look at him, smiling big at him. You three seat around and talk until Rachel let's you know dinner is ready, then you three go inside.

To be continued

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