Eddie Kingston

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Eddie still has you on his lap as he runs his fingers up and down your back lightly, he smiles and kisses your neck leaving little marks up and down it as you giggle and then it hits you he can't leave marks because you got to go do the show tonight, so you pull back "no marks Eddie" as he smirks at you "why can't I leave my love marks on you, everyone knows your my girl Lena" as you smile at him "Brandi called me Early after my meeting and said I can't have the marks on me on camera, and I can't go back to makeup again Eddie, so no marks" as he smirks at you "aww okay babygirl" as he moves his hands up and under your shirt running his fingers up and down your lower back as you moan out "Edward Moore, why do you do that? you know it turns me on" as he smirks and says "oh no babygirl I'm sorry I can't help it you look so good in this outfit" as you shake your head and start to get up off his lap as he stops you "no don't get up I'll behavior I promise, stay please I don't want you getting up just yet" as you giggle at him.

Edward Moore I got to get up, the show starts soon and I need to go to my mark, I'll see you later on I promise" as he smiles "yeah can I come back to our room tonight? As you smile at him "yes i want my mad King tonight with me" as he leans up and kisses you again before you two separate and go do the show. You do your spots then you head towards your room when Brit Baker aka the Aew woman's champion corner you and tells you, to stay in your lane, she would hate to break your face if you step to her again, she is talking about last week on rampage you step in between her and Skye Blue as you smirk at her and tell her that you aren't scared of her or her little group of bitches In Rebel and Jamie" as she shakes her head and walks off as you head to your room to change and get ready for the rest of your night with Eddie. So you change into your clothes from early and go to Eddie's locker room he is sharing with Jon.

 So you change into your clothes from early and go to Eddie's locker room he is sharing with Jon

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He had his match against Daniel Garcia And now he is seating on his couch in his locker room, as you knock on his door, and gets up and comes over to open it, he is in his boxer shorts only, he was relaxing before he went and showered

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He had his match against Daniel Garcia And now he is seating on his couch in his locker room, as you knock on his door, and gets up and comes over to open it, he is in his boxer shorts only, he was relaxing before he went and showered. He smirks at you "babygirl you are early" as you smile at him "yeah my king I'm early I was thinking we could leave as soon as you shower, head to the hotel room and have some fun in the bedroom" as he winks at you "get your ass in here woman, let me shower then we can head to the hotel room and have some fun" as you come in and seat down on the couch while he goes to take a shower and get ready to head back to the hotel room. You play on the phone as you wait for Eddie to come out, Jon comes in and he is already in his street clothes, he came to get his bags before him and Jazzy are heading back to the hotel too and he hopes you and Eddie have worked out your problems because tonight him and Jazzy are finally become one in the bedroom. As you let him know Eddie is staying with you tonight and you believe you two are alright now as he smirks and leaves. A few minutes later Eddie comes out in his street clothes, as you smile at you "oh did Jon come back and get his bags yet love? we cant leave until he does" as you smile at him "he came and just left" as he smiles and walks over to you and says "alright good we can leave now, I'll drop off the keys to the team on our way out" as you smile and he grabs your hand and you two head out and towards the hotel.

To be continued!!!!

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