Shane McMahon And His Wife Bella DarkRose-McMahon

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Second Request for YuGiOhfan1999

Shane McMahon and his wife Bella DarkRose-McMahon are backstage at king of the ring ppv Shane has a match against Kurt Angle because Shane costed Kurt his spot in the world heavyweight championship tournament, so tonight Kurt has his match against Shane McMahon, Bella is pregnant with her and Shane's 4 child and it's a girl, she can go into labor anytime Shane and her have decided to name this little one Annie Joy McMahon, Kurt is already in the ring and Bella and Shane are doing Shane's entrance, Bella is going to kiss Shane then head back to the back to watch the match with her sister in law Stephanie,father in law Vince and mother in law Linda. The match begins after she is backstage with her family, Shane and Bella decided along time ago to not let any of the kids come to an event until they are over 10 years old, Annie is only here because she is in your belly getting ready to make her debut into the world sooner then later.

After way though the match Kurt just throw Shane through the first glass, and Bella goes out there to try and stop Kurt, she understands he is pissed off at Shane but he doesn't need to kill Shane she try to talk him out before he suplex Shane through the second class, he pushes Bella away and she falls on our backend. Shane gets more pissed off and runs towards Kurt who suplex him though the second class and it breaks, Kurt when the match and is backstage, you and Shane are help back to the training room to get check over, Shane has a concussion and cuts and bruises with some glass in his forehead and back of his head, the doctor begins to pull them out and Shane looks at you "I'm sorry Bella I just wanted to show Kurt and everyone else I can still hang, but Kurt is way to powerful, you got pushed, but are you and Annie alright? As bella says "we are both alright, and you don't have to explain the situation but just know your family believe in you, your superman to us" as he nods his head and leans up as the doctor pulls the last piece of glass out, he places his hands on your belly and says "I promise to be better in the future to you mamà and you and your brothers, I want to be beside your mamà and watch you and your brothers go up to amazing people over time, I want to make you and your brothers and mamà proud in everything I do in the future" as you smile him, kisses your forehead lightly.

The doctor gives Shane some pain killers, then gives you the information for taking care of him, you two are in the locker-room he is cleaning up then you two are going home, not knowing you will be at the hospital before the end of the night having Annie, she is born right after midnight. she is perfect, a beautiful little baby girl, and the moment she opens her little eyes and looks at her daddy, she has Shane her daddy wrapped around her finger, her big brothers are her protectors she is loved by everyone the moment she was conceived, Bella retires from working in the backstage Arena and stays home with the kids, she homeschools Annie for a couple years then when her and Shane send Annie to school with the boys, Bella goes back to the company and works down in NXT with Triple H her brother in law, she is one of the top writers, in the business, as her and Shane are Happily married And in love, her And his kids are amazing each one of them are special, and very talented, loved by their parents, Shane continues to work on the main roster backstage and only does little spots on TV every now and then to keep up his appearance with the fans. Bella and Shane continue to grow their family over the next few years, the boys are growing up and Annie is doing the same, Bella and Shane have a second marriage when Annie is between 10 and 11 years old, they have been married 20 years when they do it the second time and it makes their relationship even more strength and both Bella and Shane wouldn't change anything about their life's together.

That's it for this one, one more to go but not going to happen for while.... Hope everyone likes it!!!!

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