Orange Cassidy

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After Orange's match with Darby, you two are in Orange's locker-room, He is changing then you two are heading out. He is going to take you to a late supper then you two are heading back to your apartment for the night, tomorrow morning you are doing another workout session with Cassidy you got one more day before the ppv and your first official match in Aew. You are waiting for him to come out of the bathroom, you changed out of your work clothes, and now your in Normal clothes,

 You are waiting for him to come out of the bathroom, you changed out of your work clothes, and now your in Normal clothes,

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As Cassidy comes out and he looks handsome, he smiles at you "you ready to go babygirl? As you nod your head, he comes over and helps you up off the couch then you two head out of the locker-room

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As Cassidy comes out and he looks handsome, he smiles at you "you ready to go babygirl? As you nod your head, he comes over and helps you up off the couch then you two head out of the locker-room.

You two head to his car in the parking lot, he smiles big as you get in the passenger side and he goes around and gets in the driver side and you two head towards the restaurant for your late supper, he grabs your hand as he drives, he smiles and says "so Trent and his old lady Ana invited us over for dinner tomorrow night, she is down visiting him and is staying with us at our house do you want to come? As you smile "I would love to come to dinner with you, Trent and Ana and Chuck I'm guessing" as he smiles "oh yeah Chuck will be there with his girlfriend Dani" as he says "tomorrow I was thinking we could go over what you want to do against Kris" as you nod your head at him. As you two pull into the parking lot at the restaurant, he gets out and comes around and opens the door for you as you smile at him, he wraps his arm around you and you two walk in and the waitress seats you two and hands you two menu's as you smile at her as Cassidy and you decided on water with lemon to drink then you two look over the menu's. You are craving some taco's so your going to get three chicken taco's, he is getting a cheese burger all the way and some french fries. You two put your menu's done and she comes back with you drinks and gets your food order. As he grabs your hand on the table and you smile at him.

As you two talk and enjoy your time together, until your food arrives, the waitress leaves it on the table and goes off as you and Cassidy dig in and enjoy your meal, he looks at you as you eat and he can't help but get naughty thoughts in his mind, he can't wait to have you underneath him on a bed, both of you naked and him giving you the business, you scream his name, as you come undone from what he does to you, he can't wait to taste your pussy and eventually your pussy squeezing his cock, as you two finish eating and he gets the ticket, he pays it and you two leave and head back to his car, then you two are heading to your apartment complex building for the night, tonight Is the first night he is staying with you and you both can't wait, he can't wait to go to sleep next to you and wake up with you in the morning. You two arrive soon to your apartment complex building and you both get out of the car and head inside and upstairs to your apartment, he is right behind you as you walk, his eyes are on your ass and he smirks as you get to your apartment and you open up and you two walk in and he closes the door behind you two, and then he is on you, he spins you around and kisses your lips passionately.

Your fingers go through his hair, he pushes him against you, you two pull apart and he smiles and says "couch babygirl? As you giggle and pull his hand towards your living-room and your couch, he smiles big and pulls you on his lap after he seats down and he kisses your lips and his hands go to your back and he rubs his fingertips up and under your shirt he runs his fingers up and down your back. He kisses your lips. You moan out as he hits your sweet spot on your lower back as he pulls back and looks at you "did I find a sweet spot babygirl" as you bite your bottom lip and nod your head at him as he lays you on your back on the couch, he gets in between your legs. He smiles and kisses your lips more passionately he slides his tongue in your mouth. You run your fingers up and under his shirt and you find his lower back and you dig your nails into it as he pulls back and looks at you "I'm letting you be in control babygirl" as you nod your head.

To be continued!!!

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