Sammy Guevara

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After the show you are heading back to your locker-room, to get your and mason's stuff to head home with Sammy when Tay and Anna Jay stop you corner you and Tay grills into you, you don't back down but after they leave you continue to your locker-room Vickie is there with liberty who is sleeping next to Mason, you thank her for watching him, she grabs liberty and they leave, Mason wakes up when liberty's hand leaves his, you smile your son is already in love with Liberty Rhodes, you pick him up and go take him to the bathroom to let you change, you pull your hair back out of your face with an bandana, then clean off your makeup, then you change into some street clothes,

After the show you are heading back to your locker-room, to get your and mason's stuff to head home with Sammy when Tay and Anna Jay stop you corner you and Tay grills into you, you don't back down but after they leave you continue to your locker-...

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Then you change Mason into some clean clothes then you two head into the locker-room, you grab your phone and your about to send Sammy a message to try and reschedule him being your mom tonight, when he sends you one, saying he has to go over some...

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Then you change Mason into some clean clothes then you two head into the locker-room, you grab your phone and your about to send Sammy a message to try and reschedule him being your mom tonight, when he sends you one, saying he has to go over some ideas with the vlog squad, can you guys reschedule for later in the week for him to meet your mom and you take a breather and send him a thumbs up, then let's him know your mom is planning on coming to the ppv show next weekend he can meet her then if that's better and he sends you a smiley face, you let him know you are taking Mason and heading home to text you when he gets home if it's not to much trouble, he says he will, you get his buddy home and into bed, he will text you later on, you smile at your phone and then send him a quick smiley face with loving eyes then you get your and mason's bags and head out, you are happy the vlog squad needed his help, but you know Tay will be there maybe she can finally take her change and win him over, you carry mason through the hall and outside to the parking lot, you smile at your son "baby boy I know you like Sammy but we may not be seeing him much after tonight, don't worry he will still try and be in your life probably from afar but it's better then nothing, Tay that girl from early likes him and as much as I care for him, they have history" as you kiss his forehead as he looks up at you don't understand, "I know you don't understand what I'm saying but you will understand in the future, momma loves you Mason James your momma's Pride and joy" as he smirks at you.

You head home and when you get there your mom is home and waiting for you two, she smiles and asks how it went tonight with Mason being there and you come in with Mason in your arms "it went really well mom, next weekend during the ppv show you may meet Sammy Guevara, but please don't get attached like Mason has, he may only be in our life's for a little bit of time" as she nods her head"I will not, but maybe you should get attached, he may shock you and be in your and mason's life for the long run babygirl" as you roll your eyes "I don't see it but maybe, he will probably dump us the moment his friend Tay gives him any Attention" as you shake your head and kiss her goodnight on the cheek, she kisses mason's forehead then you two head upstairs to your room so you can put mason to bed and you get ready yourself. About 2 hours later, Sammy texts you letting you know he made it home, you are watching TV. You grab your phone but don't respond, you got to break away from him before you get too attached to him, mason is going to be heartbreaking through because he loves Sammy already" as your phone goes off and you grab it seeing it's him calling, you take a deep breath and answer it "hi Sammy how was the vlog squad meeting? As he smirks into the phone "it was good, the guys want you and Mason back on the channel In the future" as you smile and mumbles low "Tay doesn't I bet" as he says "what did you say mamà?, I didn't hear ya" as you say "shit I said maybe we shouldn't get attached to each other" as he says "wait what were is this coming from, is this about early when you came back to the locker-room and you where down, who said something to you to upset you Anna, tell me" as you bite your bottom lip, "if I tell you what happen you will not believe me, this person is close to you, you two have history" as he says "its Tay, what did she say to you? As you shake your head "Sammy Guevara it doesn't matter what she said, it hurt me, and you two have been friends for a long time, she is part of your Volg squad" as he says "tell me what she said now Anna? As you give up and tell him what she said, the three times she talked to you this evening, twice by herself, once with Anna Jay, he listens and gets upset "Anna I'll deal with both Tay and Anna Jay, but I want you to listen to me very closely alright, you and Mason are it for me, I want to be with you both, I want to be your man, mason's dad and so on I want to marry you and give you more children and Mason many siblings in the future, Don't Push me away because of her being mean to you, I love you and Mason so much" as you close your eyes and agree to not break it off with me, he lets you know he will talk to Anna Jay and Tay tomorrow, but you two need a small getaway before next weekend ppv show, you agree 💯 percent and you two make plans for this weekend, your mom will watch Mason while you two go off on your way for a while, you two talk for a bit longer then hang up and go to bed.

To be continued!!!

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