Sammy Guevara

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Next morning you are up and in the kitchen making some breakfast for your mom and yourself then you are going to meet up with Sammy, with Mason later on after a few hours, your hair is pulled back in a ponytail,

Next morning you are up and in the kitchen making some breakfast for your mom and yourself then you are going to meet up with Sammy, with Mason later on after a few hours, your hair is pulled back in a ponytail,

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Then you get Mason ready, you bath him, then fix his hair and finally get him in his outfit for the day,

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Then you get Mason ready, you bath him, then fix his hair and finally get him in his outfit for the day,

You place his hat on his head then you pick him up and carry him downstairs, you two say bye to your mom then you go to your Jeep and head to the mall for shopping with Sammy

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You place his hat on his head then you pick him up and carry him downstairs, you two say bye to your mom then you go to your Jeep and head to the mall for shopping with Sammy.

You drive to the mall with Mason in his car seat, you then get Mason out and you two head inside, Sammy message you to let you know he is on his way to the Mall, you let him know you and Mason are already there, Mason is in the playground in the mall, getting some of his energy burned off. You have your coffee in hand as Mason plays with other kids, Sammy arrives and comes in and finds you two at Playland Mason gets excited when he sees Sammy, Sammy grabs Mason then pays for the time he was there in Playland, then they walk over to you, Sammy smiles "hi mamà you ready to go shopping, with me and mini me? As you smile at him with Mason, and he isn't lying about Mason being his mini me, Sammy holds his hand out for you and you take it and you three head off and do some shopping. Mason falls sleep on Sammy's shoulder as you smile "he is out cold" as Sammy smiles "I'm happy he is sleeping, we need to talk about you trying to push me away because of what Anna Jay and Tay said to you, I told you I only want you and Mason, you as my girl and Mason as our son together, I don't care if I'm his real Father or not I'm going to be there" as you nod your head at him "I know Sammy I'm sorry, it's hard I know you care for me and Mason but my mind sometimes get the better of me" as he smirks and stops and turns to look at you "I love you and Mason, I see a future with you two" as you smile and say "I love you too Sammy, Mason loves you too and I want the future with you by my side" as he leans over and kisses your lips lightly, holding Mason in between you two "you two are my future" as you smile at him and pull back and say "Mason and you are my future too" as you two pull apart and walk into an store and you get Mason some new clothes.

Mason stays sleeping on Sammy's shoulder, you find him some clothes, then you go pay but Sammy tys to hand you his card as you smile at him "Sammy I got money" as he nods his head at you "mamà I want to spoil you two so please let me" as you don't argue with him and take it he walks behind you and you pay for mason's clothes with Sammy's card, you two then go another few stores and look around, you three then stop and go get lunch, after Sammy seats down in the chairs a cross from you Mason wakes up and Sammy puts him in the highchair and gives him some colored crayons and the picture and Mason beings to draw, you smile at your little boy and the man you have fell in love with, Sammy smiles and says "I was thinking about something important on my way here, and here is it, after I meet your mom, and we continue to build our relationship, I was thinking you three can move on my land, your mom in the garage apartment as for You and Mason in my house with me what do you think about that? As you smile "I could see that happen down the road after we get more into our relationship" as he smirks. Mason continues to drawing, you and Sammy continue to talk about stuff, a few minutes later the waitress comes over and takes your guys orders, she goes to get your drinks then comes back with them as you poor mason's drink in his cup, as you thank the waitress and she goes to place your guys orders, Sammy runs his fingers through mason's hair and smiles at you "I know he isn't my biologically but I am going to be his daddy every other way possible" as you nod your head at him "I appreciate that Sammy" you two continued to talk and wait on the waitress to come back with your guys food order.

To be continued in Wrestling Preferences Book Three!!!

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