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Your first official date with Hook: Tonight is your first date with Hook, you two are going to dinner and a movie, then in two days you got dinner with his family, Britt and Adam, your hair and makeup is simple,

Your first official date with Hook: Tonight is your first date with Hook, you two are going to dinner and a movie, then in two days you got dinner with his family, Britt and Adam, your hair and makeup is simple,

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Then you got your outfit already out and waiting for you, you get dressed,

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Then you got your outfit already out and waiting for you, you get dressed,

You are at your place and Hook calls you when he is on his way to get you, he is using his dad's car because his is in the shop for his check up, so Taz let him use his car,

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You are at your place and Hook calls you when he is on his way to get you, he is using his dad's car because his is in the shop for his check up, so Taz let him use his car,

You are at your place and Hook calls you when he is on his way to get you, he is using his dad's car because his is in the shop for his check up, so Taz let him use his car,

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Hook's car is 2019 Toyota 86 in black,

Your car is a 2019 Ford Mustang in Green,

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Your car is a 2019 Ford Mustang in Green,

You love your car so much, it's your baby for sure

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You love your car so much, it's your baby for sure. Hook comes to your apartment and picks you up as you two head to the restaurant for your dinner together. He comes up to your apartment and gets you then you two head back downstairs to his dad's car. He helps you in then he goes around and gets in himself then you two head towards the Mexican restaurant in town. He grabs your hand as he drives to the restaurant.

You two get to the restaurant and go in, the waitress comes around and takes you to your table, leaving the menu's and says she will be back in a few minutes to get your order as Hook smiles at her and you two open the menu's and look over them, you two are seating next to each other in the booth, he has your hand in his as you two decided on what to get, he is going with the
Ribeye with green beans and mashed potatoes, your going to go with sirloin steak with herbed potatoes and green beans you want water with lemon and he is getting sweet tea, he smiles and learns over kisses your cheek lightly, "so two days we got this family dinner, I was thinking about the situation with Britt old man Adam Cole, his contact with WWE is about to be up, maybe dad can talk him into coming to aew, Adam would be a big win for Aew if we got him" as you look at him and smile "I think Britt has already been talking to him about it, they don't see each other very much" as Hook smiles and says "Im happy we are on the same show" as you smile at him "me too, the only thing I don't like is that Ethan is on the show too, that was bad part of my life and I have to see him twice a week" as Hook smirks and says "you think Ethan is bad, try dating Kris Statlander for 1 year right after I got out of college" as you smile you and Galaxy girl, still doesn't top Mr. I am so perfect" as Hook smiles and says "I think this relationship is going to out least them" as you giggle and you agree with him.

The waitress comes back and gets your guys orders, she goes off to put them in and grab your water and sweet tea, he turns and looks at you, he pushes your hair out of your face and behind your ears "I'm going to be honest with you Shay, I haven't felt like this with anyone else, you get me like no one else and I'm happy we are together" as you tear up a little bit "I feel the same way Tyler with you" as he leans in kisses your lips lightly he runs his hand through your hair, and the waitress comes back with your drinks and some bread, you two pull apart and smile at her as she says "you two are adorable together, I'm guessing first date? As Hook smiles and says "yes Ma'am it's our first official date" as she smiles "I love young love, so I'm going give you two a free dessert" as Hook smiles at her then you "thank you miss" as she nods her head and heads back to get your guys food and put in your dessert, before she goes back she say "one big piece of chocolate cake sound good ? As Hook nods his head and she goes off to get your guys food.

To be continued!!!!

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