Ricky Starks

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meeting his parents: you two make it to the airport to get his parents, he has his hand intertwined with yours, as you two walk through the airport and head towards the place where his parents plane will be in about 30 minutes, he seats down in one of the chairs and pulls you in his lap wrapping his arms around you "Brian's last match for a while is going to be this Wednesday, Britt's finance Adam Cole is coming to the company in a few days and their is talk about a Owen Hart mixed tag team tournament for those championships , maybe we can get in on it, if you want too be in more matches with me? As you smile at him "I would love to be in more matches with you Ricky" as he smirks and makes you turn your face to look at him "I'll get Taz to talk to Tony about putting our names in the mix" as you smile at him "great" as he kisses your lips lightly.

He holds you against his chest his arms wrapped around your waist, his parents flyed is called as landing as he smirks "they will be here in about 30 minutes, I need you too my parents aren't normal people" as you smile at him "everyone parents are not normal people Ricky, wait until you meet mine, you will probably think I was adopted or something they are totally opposites and I'm nothing like them, my siblings are more like them, I'm like my grandparents on both sides" as he smirks and says "I'm like my mom, she is amazing lady dad can be a handful at times" as you laugh "you sure you aren't like your dad there Ricky, because your a handful sometimes too" as he laughs and kisses your lips lightly "I'm a different kind of handful babygirl " as you smile at him and you two get up and walk to the gate where his parents will be coming in from the plane in a few minutes time. A few minutes later you two are standing near the gate as his parents come off and wave at Ricky who is smiling big he hasn't seen them in a few months. He holds into your hand as they get to you two and Ricky hugs both his parents "mom and dad this is Shasta she is a wrestler on the show too, she is part of Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston's group, plus she is my girlfriend" as his mom smiles "omg you got a girlfriend and we are meeting her so it must be serious, Shasta I'm Ricky's mom Rebecca and this is his dad Richard, we are happy our Ricky has find someone finally, if you are a wrestler too and your on the show with Ricky are we going to see you this Wednesday night? As Ricky smirks "you will Ma and Pa we are in a mixed tag team match me and Shasta vs Britt Baker and Brian Cage"

As his mom smiles big "that is so cool, I can't wait for Wednesday night" as you smile and you go to grab his mom's bags with her while Ricky goes with his dad, he smirks and says "we will meet you two at the SUV in 10 minutes okay" as you nod your head and you walk with his mom who wraps her arm around yours "your hair is beautiful" as you smile at her "thank you, it used to be half red and half black but one week ago I went and got full on full on red with black underneath" as she smirks "I know why Ricky likes you, your very unique Ricky has always been draw to unique things, I mean look at him" as you nod your head at her "your son is very unique and I'm happy we are together, he has brought so much happiness into my life in the last month and half" as she nods her head "I'm happy you two have each other" as you get to where her bags are and she points them out as you grab them for her and then you two head to the parking lot and where the SUV is parked. You two make it there a few minutes before Ricky and his dad do as Ricky unlocks the door when he comes around the corner and you smile and opens the back and places her bags in before you open the backdoor for her as she smiles and gets in, Ricky places his dad's bags in the back then closes it then his dad gets in the backseat with his mom, you get in the front passenger side and gets in, Ricky gets in the driver side and starts the SUV up, you four head to Ricky's penthouse apartment.

To be continued!!!!

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