Finding out how you feel about each other❤️

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Cm Punk: you and punk are working out together one night really hard because this weekend at the ppv you have your main event debut, so it's big step and you want to be ready for everything so punk and you are sitting on the floor facing each other breathing heavily as he can't help but smile at you and you smile back, finding him sexy as hell even when he is sweaty! His tattoos pop more and you just want to lick every inch of his body😉he keeps looking at your boobs😘which are on point tonight😘and with all the sweat they are glistening and he can't help but lick his lips more then usual. Besides your boobs he loves your hair it's crazy cool with all the colors and the way you have it cut, it is your own unique Style. As you two are sitting there taking a break and talking about the ppv this Sunday night, punk has a title match and with your main event debut it's going to be a good night and you can't wait any longer something in you takes over and you learn over and kiss Punk lips your taking a big step but you have been holding back for to long and you don't care no more you need him to know you like him more then just a friend and laying some lip smack on him should do it just that, as he is shocked at first but starts to kiss you back so you know there is something between you two.

Dolph: you and Dolph are are working out before the show he is showing off and you can't help up find it hot as hell, he is so adorable when rolls his hips and ass 😉. Nikki Bella Dolph's ex gf shows up during session because since her and John Cena broke up she is trying to get back with Dolph but Dolph isn't going for it any all, he has his eyes on someone else. And you two stop and Nikki walks up to Dolph but Dolph stops her by turning to you and catches you off guard by grabbing ahold of you and kissing you, as you can't believe he just did that but you go with it, and you kisses him back as Nikki can't believe this and walks away mad when you two pull away he smiles and you smile too and right then you two figure out you two may have feelings for each other.

Daniel Bryan: tonight after work Brie and Nikki came by and got birdie Daniel told you earlier it they would, so you where cleaning up the playroom when Daniel showed up to walk you out to your car he had been doing that since you started watching birdie and you find it sweet of him. He surprises you tonight through you thought he had already left the building so when you turned around to see him standing at the doorway it made you jump a little bit but you didn't show it, "Daniel Bryan what are you doing here still, I thought you left a while ago? As he smiles at you and shakes his head "nope I took a shower and change and I always walk you to your car it's my manly job lol jk" as you laugh "no way Daniel Bryan he doesn't need jobs do make him manly he is manly no matter what, I find him sexy as hell especially with the beard and the long hair, he is like a mountain man and that's sexy as hell to me" you can't believe you just said that to me but you finally got it off you chest as he smirks "really you like the mountain man look on me? Because I find you fine as hell too and the way your with birdie is amazing, you put a new level to free spirit and I dig it" as you both smile at each other and right then you both figure out you just told each other your true feelings towards one another.

Jeff Hardy: Jeff is coming to your station to let you get work on him for the show tonight it's a ppv he bumps into Baron Corbin on his way towards your station and of late Corbin has been giving you a hard time and Jeff has had enough of Corbin so Tonight he is facing him one on one and Jeff is going to take Corbin out he promises that and he is even dedicating the match win to you as you find it sweet of him and whatever happens at the end of the night you will give him something special and you have feelings for him so it works out for you also. So you two are talking when he learns over and fix's your hair as you smile at him "Jeff no matter what happens I got a surprise for you" as he smiles and leans over and kisses your cheek "I can't wait I'll see you after the match" you feel something and you know he does too but tonight you two will finally talk about it.

Matt Hardy: you are working on some stuff for Matt as you are in your office today and the air conditioner isn't working well and Matt comes in with you a big drink and make sure your alright? And you find it sweet of him tonight you talked to the bosses about giving him and Jeff opinion to bring in woken personalities and they agree so tonight it starts for them both, Matt's sons are there tonight too him and his ex wife share custody and Tonight is going to be amazing, he has both of them with him as he comes with your drink as you can go ahead and tell him about the good news about woken plans ago ahead tonight. As he can't believe you got the bosses to agree as he walks over and kisses your forehead "thank you so much for this, I know it has been easy" as you giggle "it's no problem Matt" as his oldest son Maxel pushes you two together as Matt is holding his youngest Wolfgang and you grab ahold of him as Matt smiles and says "Maxel don't push people, do you understand? As he nods and sits down on the couch as Matt looks at you with Wolfgang and says "your good with him he hasn't cried" and right then he know you are special and you already know he is.

Drew: you are in the cafeteria sitting there by yourself waiting on Drew, when you see him walk in but he isn't alone this time he is talking to Liv Morgan and you can't stand her because when you started working for the company she and her ex boyfriend Enzo made fun of you saying "you become an interviewer because you can't make it as a wrestler and it hurt your feelings because you did try-out back in the day but you have a chemical unbalanced in the brain aka bipolar back then you didn't have it undercontrol but now you do, so you look down and mumble to yourself 'drew you better not bring her over here or I'll lose my job because her smart mouth will get shut by me ones and for all ' as he sees you and smiles before saying by to Liv and heading to you, as he sits down next to you and smiles "hey pretty girl" as you laugh at him "drew what did Liv want from you? As he looks at you "jealously doesn't look good on you, but she was asking my opinion on some in ring stuff" as you can't believe he just called you out on being jealous but it's the truth you care for him dearly and you hope sooner then later he would see it, as he smiles and leans over and kisses you on the cheek letting you know it's alright and somehow you get this feeling the feelings are Mutual between you two.

John Cena :you are in the downstairs in the hotel's restaurant getting breakfast before heading to the gym, John comes in and walks over to you and says to sit with you and you tell him he doesn't have to ask so sit down with John, as he smiles and sits down next to you "what do you want to work on when we get to the gym? As you smile at him "the normal stuff I'm a little sore this morning" as he nods and learns over towards you" I could give you a rub down before we get started if you wanted (Y/N)" as you know he is flirting and you go with it, you two always flirting with each other.

Randy Orton: you are in his locker-room waiting on him to get back from the trainer's room, you are checking your phone when he walks in holding his arm as you look at him "Randy are you alright what did the trainer say? As he shakes his head "I can't fight tonight or next week I'll have to be checked out in two weeks, (Y/N) we are being send home I'm sorry for so damn hard headed and not listening to you, you are the manager" as you giggle and walk over to him "it's alright shit happens I'm upset we will not be on tv for two weeks but I'm more upset because the fact we are going to be apart" you can't believe you finally totally him how you felt but you are happy it's out there, no going back as he smiles at you and moves close to you "I feel the same way, I will feel lost without you the next two weeks being my riding buddy" as you smile at him you can't believe he feels that way about you but your happy he does.

Nakamura: you and Nakamura are in the ring working on some moves when you turn around and come face to face with him as he smiles "(Y/N) you are beautiful" as he turns back around, you can't believe he just called you beautiful, as you smile and say "Nakamura your in my head and your making me go crazy" as he turns back around and moves closer to you "me make you crazy, that's a good thing because you make me feel something I haven't felt before happiness" as he grabs ahold of your hand you can't believe this is happening right now, you two are telling each other your true feelings towards each other.

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