Jey Uso

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After SmackDown live last night you and Jey headed home to get the boys from their mom for the camping trip with Jimmy, Naomi and Jimmy's kids, it's early that next morning Jey is up first letting you and the boys sleep in before you four head to Jimmy and Naomi's house to get with them and head to the campsite for this camping trip as a family, it's family fun for the kids and brotherly bonding for Jimmy and Jey and you and Naomi can have some girl time outside of the company, but Jey has other ideas, he is going to take another step with you in your guys relationship this weekend, he wants some alone time at some point.

Jey is making snacks for both boys for the ride to the campsite when you wake up and come into the kitchen in his Uso penitentiary shirt and your underwear, and socks as he smiles at you "morning my beautiful lady" as you smile at him big "morning Jey" as he leans over and kissing your lips "I like you in my shirt, jimmy call earlier him naomi and the kids are leaving for the campsite in about an hour, I am making the boys some snacks then I'll get them up and get them ready then we can head that way too get some breakfast on the way that sound alright with you? As you nod your head at him as he walks over to you and pulls you into him "this weekend at some point we are going to have some alone time just me and you alright" as you giggle at him and he kisses you on the lips passionately before walking back to finish the snacks for the boys you grab you some coffee then head to the room to get ready leaving Jey to finish up then get the boys up.

You go to Jey room and get ready for the day then come back downstairs to see both boys in the kitchen drinking their drinks as Jey is about to go get them ready then grab their bags and you all can head out, as you got your bags already at the front door as Jey grabs his youngest son Jaciyah and heads upstairs to get him ready then calls for Jeyce to come on as Jeyce looks at you and you smile at him as he runs upstairs behind his Daddy as you clean up before grabbing the snacks Jey made for the boys with their drinks putting them in a bag as Jeyce comes down first holding his baby brothers Jaciyah hand "Shasta daddy said can you hold Jaciyah he is getting our bags" as you nod your head and pick Jaciyah up as you hand Jeyce his Gameboy as Jey comes down with his, Jeyce and Jaciyah  bags looking at you holding Jaciyah and he smiles "we ready? As you nod your head as he takes their three bags then grabs yours on the way out as you carry Jaciyah plus the snack bag and Jeyce has his Gameboy in hand and you all head to Jey's SUV as Jey puts the bags in the back and helps Jeyce in backseat, then grabs Jaciyah from you putting him in his car seat as you go to the front and get in, Jey goes to the driver side  and gets it, "alright boys we are going throw mcdonald's for breakfast in a couple minutes Alright" as both Jeyce and Jaciyah smile big at their dad and Jey grabs your hand in the front " thanks for helping me early with the boys I appreciate it " as you look at him and smile "Jey Uso it's no problem they are the sweetest boys alive, I don't mind helping when I can " as he smiles at you and you four head to McDonald's for breakfast then to the campsite for this weekend with Jimmy Naomi and Jimmy's son and daughter.

To be continued in a couple days!!!!

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