Jungle Boy

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Your day with Jack, Noah and Austin: Noah is on Austin back you and Jack are walking behind them, Jack has your hand in his, as he takes your picture, and adds it your contact info,

Your day with Jack, Noah and Austin: Noah is on Austin back you and Jack are walking behind them, Jack has your hand in his, as he takes your picture, and adds it your contact info,

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As you smile and take a picture of him and add it to his information,

Then you two catch up to Austin and Noah, as you all get in line for a ride

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Then you two catch up to Austin and Noah, as you all get in line for a ride. As you four get on the ride Austin, Noah, you and Jack as Noah looks over at you and Jack who has grabs your hand and smiles at you both, he then tips Austin's shoulder and Austin turns his head and sees this and smiles big too he knows something is up with you two and he is happy because Jack needs someone and you two seem to have a bond already and it's because you two have a past and that's alright.

As you four ride some more rides then head to get something to eat at one of the restaurants, you are trying the Jungle theme restaurant as you and Jack seat down next to each other as Noah and Austin seat across from us, as we look over the menu's as you don't want anything big since you all are going to continue to ride some rides and walk around the park and have fun, and it's hot out, so your getting the tuki's turkey club with safari fries and a large Ice Water, as Jack decides on the same thing with a large Coke and the guys get their orders, then you all seat around and talk while the waitress to take the orders to the kitchen to be cooked and prepared as Noah asks "so you two have history how far back? As Jack smiles "first day of our first year of High School, I beat up a football player because of her, you see Ella here is smart as hell and people would pick on her but I didn't stand for it, we where best friends for 4 years then right after graduation i pushed her away because I was an ass and was scared for some other reasons that I'm not getting into with you two, but I'm happy she is working in Aew with us. A few minutes go by and everyone's food comes out. As you all dig in and Jack's phone goes off and it's Anna Jay and Preston Vance are at the park today too and she saw Jack's phone ping there at the restaurant, so she invited him and whom he is with and she knows it's more then likely Noah and Austin to meet her and Preston at the entrance to the Water Park as Jack texts back you four will head to that way after you eat. He lets her know it's him, Noah, Austin and you, your his plus one and he makes sure to put in the text your his plus one" as she sends back and smiley face then a winky face. As he says "Anna Jay and Preston Vance are here at the park today and invited us all to come to the water park after we get done eating? As Noah and Austin nod their head and you look at him and smile big.

You used to feel threatened by Anna Jay and Jack's relationship until you find out it's just a friendship and she is with Preston, because truth be told you have loved Jack since the first day of your first year of high school just like said he has you, but you where scared too so you don't blame him for pushing you away after graduation but the way he did it hurt you, he could have just said he didn't want to be your friend no more because you where going away to college and it was going to be painful on him losing you to college for 6 years, but that's past and now your working on the future and your happy he is back in your life and your getting to work with him, as he looks over and smiles at you as you are eating your food and you haven't said much of anything since he said Anna Jay and Preston names and invited all of us to meet them at the water park, you just smiled as he learns over and makes you look at him "my snow princess you alright? As you look at him "yeah I'm alright Jack Perry" as he winks and leans closer and kisses your forehead lighty. As you smile at him. As you remember you are wearing your lingerie but a bikini so you need to stop at one of the stores and get a bikini before you all head to the water park so you let Jack know this as he nods his head and say you two will go find you one and send Noah and Austin to meet Anna Jay and Preston as you nod your head and after everyone finishes eating Noah grab the card from his pocket that pays for their food and goes and pays then Jack let's Austin know the plan as Noah comes back, and Austin and Noah head to meet Anna Jay and Preston at the water park. As you and Jack in search for a bikini for you. You go into one store and find one and your about to pay but Jack stops you and uses the card the one like Noah used for the food, "it's covered Ella come on" as you two head to meet Anna Jay, Preston, Austin and Noah in the water park.

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