Jungle Boy

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Alone time with Jack: a couple hours later, you and Anna Jay exchange numbers since she is out of action for a couple months because of an injury and you two will hook up later this week for coffee, you and Jack plus Austin and Noah head out and Austin and Noah drop you and Jack off at your apartment complex building then head to their house they share, it's Jack, Noah and Austin in the house. As you and Jack go into your apartment and as soon as you two make it inside, Jack has you against the wall kissing your lips passionately,

Jack then picks you up and moves you into the living-room and to your couch, "we are going to take it slow but your going to feel my fingers for days I promise" as you smile big at him as he lays you down on your Jack on the couch and get in betwe...

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Jack then picks you up and moves you into the living-room and to your couch, "we are going to take it slow but your going to feel my fingers for days I promise" as you smile big at him as he lays you down on your Jack on the couch and get in between your legs and kisses your lips lightly. As he moves his hands in between your legs then into your shorts and underwear touching your clit slowly as you take a deep breath as he looks at you in the eyes "nah Ella you better not tense up" as you bite your bottom lip, and he slides his fingers into your core, As you moan out and he kisses your lips passionately then moves his fingers into your core deep and says "your so wet, did I do all this to you? As you throw your head back and moan out "omg yes Jack right there please" as he finds your special spot and hits your g-spot over and over again with his fingers as you tight up around his fingers. As he smiles and bends down and kisses your neck and says "Fuck your so wet and tight, I can't wait to feel you around my cock in the future" as you moan out and he bites down on your neck leaving a mark as you dig your nails into his lower back. As he pulls back and look at you in the eyes "fuck your squeezing my fingers so damn tight" as you smile at him, as he finger fucks you and you grip the couch and throws your head back and your moans turn into screams as he smirks at you "hot damn babygirl this is damn sight, your coming undone right here and it's beautiful" as you smile and he kisses your neck and you start to climax on his fingers as he loves this feeling and he continues to fingers fucking you through your climax then he slowly pulls his fingers back and then lick them clean as you catch your breath then you grab his hand and lead him upstairs to your room for the night. You two get your in your bed and get comfortable in each other's arms as he wraps his arms around you and brings you to his chest and kisses your forehead lighty as you smile and he says "I like this, and I can't wait to wake up with you in my arms in the morning" as you smile big and you two go to sleep and sleep through the night, next morning you are up and you are looking at him sleeping peacefully next to you, you push some of his out of hair out of his way and smile big, it's a beautiful mane but it's his and he can rock it for sure.

As you run your fingers through it and try not to wake him but it's not use, he wakes up and looks at you with them beautiful eyes "good morning my snow princess, did you sleep good? As you smile at him "yes Jack I did because I had this wild boy holding me all night long, I think his name is Jungle Boy, I mean if you look at his hair, the name suits him" as he smiles at you "oh yeah Ella you just wait until I'm fucking you, you will see why they call me Jungle Boy for real" as you roll your eyes "you always have to turn it sexual it's always been that way with you Jack Perry" as he smiles and rolls you on your back and gets in between your legs "I'm always been a sexual guy Ella and last night you taste, how you like it? As you smile and kisses his lips "want more, I want the whole damn thing" as he kisses you with passionately and pulls back and nods his head "alright but one step at time, we aren't rushing this, we are doing this my way Ella and I'm control, I know I said you where in control, over how fast we went but I changed my mind we are going at my pace, but don't worry if you don't feel comfortable with something we will take a step back and try something else until your ready for that next step" as you bite your bottom lip and nod your head at him. As he smiles and kisses your lips, "you come with me to the gym? I'm meeting Noah, Austin, Anna Jay and Preston and Christian as you nod your head at him "sure just let me take quick shower then we can head to the gym, is Noah and Austin going to bring you some clothes or do we need to stop by your place and pick you up some? As he smiles and says "nah Noah will grab my bag and bring it to the gym so go get a shower then we can go" as you nod your head and get up and go to your bathroom to shower get ready for the gym with Jack, Noah, Austin, Anna Jay and Preston and Christian today. Jack joins you in the shower after he sends Noah a quick message to grab his gym bag with his workout clothes and meet you two in about and 1 1/2 hour there.

To be continued!!!!!

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