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A few hours later you and Tyler are heading to his apartment for the night, he has his hand on your knee as you two drive to his apartment complex he smiles and says "next week your sister is going to go crazy when you start your progress into team taz, I got a quick question for you babygirl" as you look at him "yeah what's up Tyler" he smirks and says "you going to go vs her for the title down the road? As you smile at him "nah I'm going vs Jamie for the TBS women's title I'm going to show everyone I am better then her" as he nods his head "your sister has a upcoming match against Thunder Rose and I don't think she will beat her this time around" as he nods his head. You two arrive at his place and he parks his car and gets out then comes around and helps you out then you two head inside his arm around you as you two walk in.

You two get in his apartment building and walk upstairs to his apartment, he has his arm around your waist the whole way, he opens the door and you two walk in and he closes it back. Then you two move through the apartment and make it to his bedroom you go into the bathroom and change into your PJs,

Then you head back to the bedroom and he is in his boxer shorts and a white t-shirt he is laying on the bed fixing the tv as you come around and crawl on the bed after you put your bag on the chair next to the bedroom door, he smiles and finds you...

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Then you head back to the bedroom and he is in his boxer shorts and a white t-shirt he is laying on the bed fixing the tv as you come around and crawl on the bed after you put your bag on the chair next to the bedroom door, he smiles and finds you something to watch before you two turn in for the night together, next morning you are up before him you are in the kitchen getting yourself a cup of coffee learning against the corner top waiting for the coffee to finish up so you can grab your cup and have some, Hook wakes up and walks into the kitchen and stops at the entrance and watches you learning on the countertop with your back facing towards him. He moves closer to you and he pulls you against his chest and wraps his arms around your waist and holds you against him, he kisses your neck lightly.

You continue to make breakfast for you two he grabs a cup of coffee then goes and seats down at the table as you finish up cooking then takes the plates and puts them down in front of him and yourself then you grab the juice from the refrigerator and seats down across from him and you two dig in to this amazing breakfast you made for you both, he lets you know Ricky and Shasta plus Hobbs and Jade are going to meet you two at the park, as you smile and finish eating then you take your plate and put it in the dishwasher then you go back to the bedroom to change into your clothes for today,

You continue to make breakfast for you two he grabs a cup of coffee then goes and seats down at the table as you finish up cooking then takes the plates and puts them down in front of him and yourself then you grab the juice from the refrigerator ...

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Then you head back downstairs, Tyler is already downstairs waiting for you to come  down so you two can head to universal studios for the day with your friends, in Willam and Jade then Ricky and Shasta

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Then you head back downstairs, Tyler is already downstairs waiting for you to come down so you two can head to universal studios for the day with your friends, in Willam and Jade then Ricky and Shasta. He looks up when you come downstairs he smiles and gets up off the couch and walks over to you pulling you against his chest and kisses your head lightly "you ready to go little girl? As you smile and says "yep let's go" as he lets go of you and you two walk out of the living-room, and then out of the front door and head downstairs to his car, he helps you in the car then he goes around to his side and gets in the driver side. Then he drives to the park to meet up Ricky, Shasta William and Jade for your day of fun together.

To be continued!!!!!

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now