Sammy Guevara

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Your job in Aew : You are the newest member on commentary!

Your first encounter: You are in hair and makeup getting ready for your first night on Dynamite, you are talking to Brandi and Vickie Guerrero, as your hair, make up and outfit is on point,

Your first encounter: You are in hair and makeup getting ready for your first night on Dynamite, you are talking to Brandi and Vickie Guerrero, as your hair, make up and outfit is on point,

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Brandi and Vickie are happy you are in Aew finally, you used to work in TNA as one of the commentators with Stu Bennett and Jerry "The King" Lawler now you are on Aew and your doing commentary with Jim Ross, and Excalibur

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Brandi and Vickie are happy you are in Aew finally, you used to work in TNA as one of the commentators with Stu Bennett and Jerry "The King" Lawler now you are on Aew and your doing commentary with Jim Ross, and Excalibur. Sammy is walking around backstage with his TNT championship on his shoulder, he has been holding into that title since he won it last Wednesday night he is super proud to be the TNT champion, he stops when he comes around the corner and sees you, Brandi and Vickie talking, you got liberty in your lap as the hairstylist works on your hair, Brandi loves that you don't mind holding Liberty Iris Rhodes even if you are getting your hair done.

Sammy watches you and can't believe your here on Aew, he followed your career and he has always find you beautiful now he can become your friend and hopefully down the line more if you are down with that, you are holding Liberty against your chest as the lady who is working on your hair finishes up, as Brandi smiles at you as you smile at Brandi then Vickie then you get up and hold Liberty out for Brandi, you got a little boy back home, his name is Mason, his dad is Wade Barrett aka Stu Bennett your ex co-worker in TNA, you had Mason right before you left TNA, so Mason is a year this coming October. You haven't been on a date since right after you told Stu you where pregnant, you two were together but then broke up, your life is your job and Mason. You don't have time for a relationship with anyone, you mom is watching Mason while you are at work. Next week you will bring Mason with you because Brandi said you can bring him, plus Vickie said she would watch him while your out by the ring. You head to see Jim Ross and Excalibur and go over some notes for tonight's show, Sammy Guevara is waiting around the corner for you as you walk around and he bumps into you, catching you before you fall, "sorry Anna I didn't meant to bump into you I wasn't looking where I was going" as you smile "it's alright Sammy I'm in a hurry it may have been my fault" as you smile at him.

And he smiles back at you, "it's alright Anna, no problem where are you heading to anyways? As you smile at him "I got to meet up with Jim Ross and Excalibur before the show and we need to go over some notes, where are you going? As he smirks and says "I'm heading to the inner circle locker-room, to talk to Chris about my title celebration, I'll walk with you, if you would like? As you nod your head at him. You two walk and talk on your way to meet with your team he smiles and asks if you would to go out to dinner tonight after the show with him? As you smile at him "I can't tonight I got to get home to Mason my son, we can do it tomorrow around lunchtime if you would like? As he smiles and says "yeah tomorrow around lunchtime is fine, Mason can join us too" as you smile at him "yeah he would like that very much" as you two talk and set up a time and place to meet for lunch tomorrow, you know Mason will love meeting Sammy because Sammy is Mason's favorite wrestler even over his own dad in Wade Barrett, Mason maybe almost 1 but he likes Sammy, his eyes always lights up when Sammy comes on the tv. You go in and see Jim Ross and Excalibur and Sammy goes off to meet y2j in their locker-room. You go over tonight lineup then you three head out to ringside to get the show started, you are in between Jim Ross and Excalibur at the table. The shows goes amazing and then after, you head home to Mason and your mom and let your mom know you and Mason are going out for lunch tomorrow with a friend, so she can have some alone time by herself, you put Mason to bed then you turn in for the night also. Next morning you are up getting ready for your lunch date with Sammy with Mason, you got dressed,

Your hair is pin back, then you get Mason ready, you two are going to leave early and head to the store, you need to get something for your mom she asked since you are heading into town,

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Your hair is pin back, then you get Mason ready, you two are going to leave early and head to the store, you need to get something for your mom she asked since you are heading into town,

You two stop at the store and gets your mom what she needed from the store then you head towards the restaurant to meet Sammy, you two get out of your car and go inside and wait for Sammy, but he is already there waiting for you so when you walk i...

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You two stop at the store and gets your mom what she needed from the store then you head towards the restaurant to meet Sammy, you two get out of your car and go inside and wait for Sammy, but he is already there waiting for you so when you walk in holding Mason to your chest, he smiles and walks over to you two "hi Anna is this Mason? As you shake your head at him "yep my son Mason James" as Mason hears his name and looks up at you then you smile at him "yeah baby boy we are talking about you. As he gives you a cute smile and then looks at Sammy and his eyes go big and he starts to move around "yeah that's your favorite wrestler my baby boy" as Sammy looks at you then him, "yeah I forget to mention whenever you are on the tv his eyes light up so big,  my mom even recorded it ones, I'll show you when we seat down" as Sammy smiles and the hostess comes and takes you three to your table and gets mason a high chair. You all seat down at the table and you show Sammy the video of Mason watching him on Aew Rampage a couple weeks ago, his eyes are on Sammy and he is smiling big and giggle and bouncing in his bounce chair, Sammy can't believe that Mason gets so happy when he sees him but then he thinks back to just a few minutes ago when he meet Mason and Mason was trying to get out of his Carrier to get to Sammy.

To be continued!!!!

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