spending the new year with Dolph's family!!!!

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You and Dolph was on the road with the company for Christmas so this week with Dolph's family in Hollywood FL, it's a few days after new year's but we are finally there and Dolph's family is amazing and is going to make our week a good one, they got some amazing things planned but tonight it's just relaxing at home with them, we have been on the road no stop since right before Christmas so a few weeks now.

You are his place and his family is there too, you went upstairs to Dolph's bedroom and took a long bath while he was downstairs with them talking about dinner plans, his parents are going to go out and get some BBQ from the best BBQ place in town while you two relax a bit alone maybe even take a quick nap. You like that idea but Dolph has other ideas he wants you two to make love since it's been so hectic on the road you two haven't had much alone time together in between the Sheets 😉. Either way your down with it as long as you and Dolph have some alone time together before his parents get back with the food.

After his parents leave Dolph comes upstairs to find you getting out of the bathtub as he smirks and walks over to you and kisses you on the back of the Head, "mom and dad are gone for the food which gives us a little bit of town alone you want to make the most of it? As you turn around and wrap your arms  around his neck and smile at him  "oh yeah I do Ziggy" as he tugs on your towel and let's it fall to the ground before he lifts you up into his arms and walks you out to the bed. He about to make you feel things you haven't in weeks and maybe a few new things, you are Happy you two are getting this alone time together in the bedroom it's way overdue, Dolph knows you so well in between the Sheets it's crazy some times but you wouldn't change it for anything. He is your other half and you are his. You two are each other's missing pieces you are meant to be together.

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