Orange Cassidy

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your name in his phone: Love Liv
His name in your phone: Cassidy

You two are laying down on your bed at your apartment, he knows you got some issues about trusting people and he wants you to Trust him and be able to do things with him that brings you two closer to each other, he pulls you on his chest and you two get comfortable in each other's arms and he kisses your forehead, he rubs your back and you two go to sleep, he holds you through the night and you two wake up around the same time. He kisses your forehead lighty, he smiles and wraps his arms around you tightly as you smile at him and he rubs his hands up and down on your back. "I don't want to get up I want to stay just like this with you forever" as you smile at you and say "same here but we need to get up I got training today because tomorrow is the ppv and my first official match" as he moves his hands to your ass and he rubs it lightly "I know love but can we stay like this for a little bit longer please" as you nod your head and he kisses your lips passionately.

He holds against his chest and you two relax for a little bit longer then you get up and go into your closet to get your workout clothes, you change into them,

Then you walk out and go pull your hair back so while you are training it doesn't get in your face, Cassidy is seating on the end of the bed in his clothes, you got Dustin today so Cassidy is going to watch

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Then you walk out and go pull your hair back so while you are training it doesn't get in your face, Cassidy is seating on the end of the bed in his clothes, you got Dustin today so Cassidy is going to watch. He smirks and comes over to you and wraps his arms around you and kisses your neck lightly.

He walks over and grabs your hand and you two head out, You two get in your car and head to the arena, Cassidy doesn't let your hand go the whole ride to the arena then when you get there he doesn't let it go until you got to get in the ring with Dustin, Cassidy seats on the sideline, you and Dustin do about an hour of training, then Dustin let's you know your ready for your match tomorrow night against Kris, as you smile big and Cassidy gets in and picks you up in his arms and spins you around and kisses your lips passionately, he smiles and says "it's going to be a great match and I believe in you" as you giggle.

He wraps your arms around your waist, as Cassidy waves at Dustin as he carry's you out of the ring, and towards the locker-room, "I want to show you something" as you laugh and he carry's you to his locker-room and when you get in there he seats you down on the couch "I got Jazz to make you some ring gear for your match tomorrow night" as you look at him and smile "really Cassidy you didn't have to do that I was just going to wear street clothes because it's non-sanctioned match" as he shakes his head "nah you need gear, so here it is princess"

He wraps your arms around your waist, as Cassidy waves at Dustin as he carry's you out of the ring, and towards the locker-room, "I want to show you something" as you laugh and he carry's you to his locker-room and when you get in there he seats y...

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He goes and gets the bag with your gear in it and brings it to you, "it's gear I hope you like it" as you open the bag and see everything and smile at jacket "I love it thank you Cassidy" as he smirks and says "your jacket is like mine" as you nod your head at him as you do something that shocks him as you push the bag off the couch and pulls him into you. As you kiss his lips and he says "babygirl slow down" as you pull back and look at him "Cassidy I want you, you did this sweet thing for me and I want to do something in return for you" as Cassidy smiles "your not ready yet and I'm fine with that, don't try and do something you don't want to do because I did this sweet thing" as you push him over so he is seating on the couch and you crawl into his lap "Cassidy I want this" as Cassidy smirks and says "are you sure? As you smile at him and kisses his lips "yes I'm sure" as his hands go to your ass. "You want to do this here or go back to your place? As you giggle "my place I don't want anyone walking in on us" as he smirks and you two head out, you got your bags in hand and you two go to your car and you two head back to your place. He can't believe you are willing to do this next step with him, you drive to your place and you two go inside and as soon as you two are inside Cassidy spins you around and pushes you against the door. His hands go to your sides and he smirks "you sure about this babygirl? As you laugh and say "I'm positive, I want you Cassidy please don't question me" as he smiles big at you "alright babygirl not going to question you again" as he kisses you and picks you up in his arms and carry's you towards your room.

To be continued!!!!

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