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After your match And his, you are in the locker-room that you share with Jon and Eddie getting ready to head to Ricky's place for the night,

After your match And his, you are in the locker-room that you share with Jon and Eddie getting ready to head to Ricky's place for the night,

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You are getting ready to leave and meet with Ricky,

As you grab your bags and head out and go towards Team Taz's locker-room to grab Ricky so you two can head to his place for the night

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As you grab your bags and head out and go towards Team Taz's locker-room to grab Ricky so you two can head to his place for the night. You get there and knock as Hook opens it because he is about to leave and go meet up with Shay, as he smiles at you and yells for Ricky to hurry up, your here as Ricky comes out from the bathroom Arena in his clothes from early but this time with a white shirt, he smiles and says come in little Mamà, I'm almost ready" as Hook leaves and you come in, Taz is already gone home, William is with Jade in her locker-room so it's just you and Ricky who is packing his bag up so you two can head to his place.

Then you two head to the parking lot and load up before heading to his house for the night, he has a few things planned for when his parents get here tomorrow around lunch with you two and them. He helps you in the car and you two head towards his penthouse apartment, he holds your hand while he drives, "I'm super excited for you to meet my parents Mamà, I haven't let them meet anyone I have been with since I graduated from college I was in a relationship for a year and that was the last time I let the girl I have a relationship with meet them" as you look at him "because you haven't had a serious one since then I'm guessing, they have just been booty calls" as he smirks and says "somewhat yes, but I am happy I got you now, I am getting old babygirl I need to find a lady for the long run and that's you" as you smile big and you two make it to his penthouse, you two get out and grab your bags then head inside. You have been in his apartment a few times but tonight you are staying with him through the night, like he did with you at your apartment the other night, you two haven't got down and dirty yet but it will happen sooner then later. Ricky smiles at you "Mamà you alright? As you smile and look at him "yes I'm fine Ricky, just thinking about how much I care for you" as he walks over and puts his hands on your hips "I care for you too Shasta" he kisses your lips passionately then you two go get ready for bed,

 Ricky smiles at you "Mamà you alright? As you smile and look at him "yes I'm fine Ricky, just thinking about how much I care for you" as he walks over and puts his hands on your hips "I care for you too Shasta" he kisses your lips passionately th...

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He is in his boxer shorts and a shirt, you smile at him as you two get in bed and he turns the tv on and he finds something to watch

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He is in his boxer shorts and a shirt, you smile at him as you two get in bed and he turns the tv on and he finds something to watch. He pulls you on his chest and you two get comfortable in each other's arms. He rubs your back and you go off to sleep, he feels your breathing slow down and he smiles because he knows you are sleeping he stays up a little bit longer, as he texts Taz about Wednesday night show, his parents are in town and he got them tickets. Wednesday night you and Ricky vs Cage and Brit Baker. He is super excited to work with you in the ring, he finally goes to sleep after he gets a text back from Taz and he turns off the tv.

The next morning you two are awake you are in the bathroom getting ready for his parents to arrive,

The next morning you two are awake you are in the bathroom getting ready for his parents to arrive,

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He is in his clothes seating in the living-room you come out and he smiles at you, as you two head out of his penthouse apartment and to his car then towards the airport to get his parents

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He is in his clothes seating in the living-room you come out and he smiles at you, as you two head out of his penthouse apartment and to his car then towards the airport to get his parents.

To be continued!!!!

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