Sammy Guevara

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Continuing your date with Sammy: a couple hours later, You Sammy and Mason are at the park near your house. Sammy is pushing Mason on the swings, you are standing by Sammy as he pushes Mason as you take a video of Mason having a good time as he giggle and kicking his feet at Sammy, you love seeing your baby boy happy he doesn't have a male figure in his life because Wade doesn't want to be in his wife, my dad died before he was born and I don't have any brothers so he doesn't have any uncle's so like I said if is only me and my mom in his life and now hopefully the Aew family. Sammy leans over and grabs ahold of Mason and picks him up, "aww Mason I think I fall in love with you today you are adorable dude" as you giggle and stop the video when Sammy said that and he kisses Mason's forehead lighty, and he looks at you "is Mason going to be coming to the shows anytime soon? As you smile at him "yeah Brandi said I can bring him to the shows near home, so Wednesday nights he will be with me why are you in love with my son there Guevara? As he smirks and holds Mason close to his chest "omg yes love this little dude already, plus I want to get closer to his momma if possible" as you smile "oh I see you think if you get on my son's good side you will get in my pants" as he shakes his head.

"no not that way Sugar I want to get to know you all the way around" as you smile at him "I know I was just joking with you Guevara" as Mason starts to close his eyes and you smile at him "aww baby boy you getting sleepy" as Sammy goes to hand him back to you and you shake your head "nah you got a handle on him he feels comfortable with you Sammy, if you can get him to sleep you may get in my pants eventually" as Sammy smirks and starts to pat Mason's back lightly as Mason closes his eyes completely and goes to sleep, as you smile "mmm see you are a natural Sammy and you get a reward down the road from me" as Sammy smirks and you two walk towards your car. He puts Mason in his car seat then turns around and looks at you "I'll see you two Wednesday night sugar? As you smile at him "oh yeah Guevara, thank you for today it was fun, I know Mason loved it" as he Sammy smiles big "I had fun too" as he kisses your cheek lightly and you get in your car and head home to your mom with Mason who is napping in the backseat. After you get home and Mason into his bed to continue his nap, your mom isn't home yet you put the stuff you got her away, you change and your in the living-room watching TV when your phone goes off and it's Sammy "he wanted to check in on you and Mason make sure you two are home safe and sound", you send him a message back "Mason is still sleeping and you watching TV waiting on your mom to get back from her weekly meeting" he smiles and asks "weekly meeting what is that about? As you smile and text him back "she had an addiction in high school right before she and my dad got married and had me but she has been sober since right after the wedding and the meetings have keep her on the straight path for a long ass time" as Sammy texts back "that is amazing news Anna, your mom should be very proud" as you text him "she is, I am too and I know Mason loved his Nanny I know she has stay straight for him the past year, when dad died two years ago it was hard on her but when I told I was pregnant and we find out it was a boy she said it was a sign from pops that's why he is named Mason James MJ for short my dad's name was James and the doctor who delivered my little man his name was Mason and right after my Mason was born he left the hospital and was shot so when we find out I had to name my son after him, he give my son life and lost his soon after" as Sammy can't believe that happen to you, you mom and Mason but shit does happen to good people, he texts you back "im sorry Anna I haven't went that anything that bad but it has made you an amazing mother to Mason, and women" as you smile and text back "thanks Sammy I appreciate it" as you two continue to text back and forth for a while, "he then asks you and Mason to be in his volg Wednesday" as you let him know "you two would love to be on it, we will be at the arena around 2 pm" as he texts back "sounds good I'll find you two around 3 and we can start" as you two agree and then hang up after a goodbye.

To be continued!!!!

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