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You and Nakamura are in your hometown for a few days, Nakamura is healing from a injury from Randy Orton this past Tuesday on smackdown live and you two are going to be at your house while he recovers, he doesn't mind being there he really likes your house the last time he was there he said it was very peaceful.

You have got him laying in the bed relaxing right now, you are downstairs making dinner you are making soup🍜 something from his home! When you talked to his family when he is down this soup is always done the trick and made him feel better really quick you hope you do it justice and he start to feel better soon, you have followed the recipe step by step just like his family told you so you are hoping it does the trick.

You also can't wait to see his face when he sees you made it for him, you finish up the soup and make him a bowl of it before taking it upstairs to the room so he can try it, he is surprised when you bring in his family's soup and he sees you did it just like his family would, he trys some and it taste like home, he loves the fact you did this for him.

You are happy he likes is so much, you two eat together while watching TV in your room on your bed, tonight is the first night of a long weekend of healing but he can't wait to spend it with you, you are his girl and you totally make him feel better in more ways than one, you two are going spend the weekend letting him heal.

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