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Your name in his phone: Babygirl
His name in your phone: Captain Hook

Continues with your date: you two enjoy your dinner together then he pays for the meal and you two head back to Taz's car, he is taking you to the beach and you two are going for a walk along the water, he doesn't want this date to end, so he is going to make it last as long as he can. You two make it the Beach and you two remove your shoes and he holds his hand out for you and you grab it and you two walk down the beach, he spins you around and brings you to his chest and he kisses your lips passionately. He lifts you up in his arms and smiles big at you as you smile back at him and he says "I know we got class in the morning but I don't want this to end just yet" as you smile big at him and kisses his lips lightly your hands go to his hair and you run your fingers through it. He pulls back and locks eyes with you "babygirl you keep pulling at my hair, I'll have to spank you" as you smile at him and pull at the ends as he smirks and one hand goes to your ass and he spanks it as you moan out and he says "oh shit you like the spanking huh, did it make you wet for me" as you bite your bottom lip and look down as he smirks and takes that hand up to your chin and makes you look at him "hey beautiful it's alright to get turn on, I'm turn on so much right now" as you smile and say "oh I feel little hook" As he smirks and says "oh he isn't little babygirl" as he seats down on the sand and holds you on his lap "you feel him now and I'm not small by any means necessary" as you smile and your hands go to his hair again and you run your fingers through it and pull at the ends. You feel little hook and he isn't small at all like Hook said, he smiles "see I don't lie about my package" as you bite your bottom lip and he says "nah don't do that, you got him against your pussy and you like it because I can feel you soaking your underwear against me right now" as you nod your head at him and he moves his hands to your back and rubs it. As you moan out as he kisses your neck lightly, he wants you to have his mark where everyone can see it he sucks and licks your neck. He smiles big at you, "babygirl I was thinking tomorrow night after our class and then the first episode of Rampage, I have a tattoo appointment, you want to come with? As you smile big at him "oh I love to Tyler" as he smiles and kisses your lips passionately his hands still on your back but he moves them to your ass and he squeezes it lightly.

You two seat in the sand for a few more minutes, him and you on his lap, your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, he loves holding you especially against his chest and on his lap. A few minutes later you get off his lap and hold your hand out for him as he takes it and you two walk back up to Taz's car, he is taking you home and going to give you the most amazing kiss goodnight when he drops you off, tomorrow you got class with Cody and Dustin plus Hobbs and Jade. When you two get back to the car you both get in, he closes your door and goes to the driver's side then gets in himself, he then starts to drive back to your apartment. He grabs your hand as he drives to your apartment complex building. He pulls in a parking lot, he learns over and kisses your lips passionately, he pushes your hair behind your ears and you two kiss for a few minutes. Then when you pull apart he smiles "I'll see you tomorrow morning at training? As you nod your head and you get out of the car and head inside, he drives off when you make it in the building and takes his dad his car back.

To be continued!!!!

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