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You two are back on the road with the company this week, you are backstage at smackdown live talking to Carmella while Randy is getting ready for his match against KO tonight,

You two are back on the road with the company this week, you are backstage at smackdown live talking to Carmella while Randy is getting ready for his match against KO tonight,

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She looks amazing you can't believe she is one of your friends in the company she is so sweet,

She is going out for the dance party with R-Truth later tonight it's a very big deal for smackdown live now

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She is going out for the dance party with R-Truth later tonight it's a very big deal for smackdown live now. Randy is talking to Booker T around the corner, a few minutes later he comes around the corner after his talk with Booker T and walks over to you and Carmella you two need to head towards the ring his match against KO is next and you two go out first, you tell Carmella you will see her later then you walk off with Randy towards the entrance to the ring. 

His match against KO is fast and he beats him and you are so proud of him, he is doing so good in the company right now he has truly been on a roll again, you can't wait for him to beat Bray for the Wwe Championship in a few weeks time. He is totally ready for Bray physically and mentally, Bray is getting the viper and it's not good news for him or anyone else who mess with him during this time. You two are in the locker-room after his match ended and you are sitting down on the couch while he is getting ready so you two can leave and head to the hotel room in a few minutes time, you are going to meet Carmella tomorrow and go shopping before the house show starts.

Randy is going to work out with Sheamus tomorrow while you two go shopping, you want to buy the girls something special they are special girls and both are going back to school soon so maybe something for their first day back, you will figure it out tomorrow when you two go shopping.

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