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"Yo Ji, you came!" A loud voice called out catching the two boys attention, as Jeongin continued to climb down from the shopping cart. Glaring daggers at Jisung who just smiled innocently at him.

His heart was beating fast as he looked around.

Pretty lights hanged from one wall to another, creating a perfect square. Where underneath the lights, sat couches and chairs, all in different tones and colors. It was pretty aesthetically pleasing. He remembered searching online, finding similar aesthetic things that piqued his interest. When he showed his parents, they believed it was a waste, and that his room was fine the way it was. Even though the walls were painted a baby blue color, drawings hanging on the wall that he made when he was younger. His desk that has been standing there for 8 years, white and boring.

Let just say..his room was his old children's room. But he supposed that was just how he had to live..atleast till he moved out, which only came around in a few more years.

"Changbin! I brought my best friend I've talked about" Jisung exclaimed, hugging the male that approached him..looking at the strange boy, still mesmerized by the beauty of the place.

"He seem..exactly like you described him" Changbin whispered, earning a soft chuckle and a small nod from Jisung who just let the boy admire the place.

Jeongin didn't even think that he was located in devil town. He was told everything there was torn apart, that people didn't pay rent, only ate junk food, was either fat or skinny from bad dieting. He was told people had tattoos up and down their arms, piercings heck even dyed hair..to be honest the last part did intrigue Jeongin a bit.

"Come on, the rest are waiting.." Changbin spoke, causing Jeongin to finally pay attention to the male.

He was short, intimidating and wore only black. His hair was also dark, but he did have ear piercings, which of course never went unnoticed by anyone.

Jeongin had no other choice than to follow, knowing Jisung would be the one of control as to when they had to leave, incase they go home quite late. And he definitely did not want to get into trouble.

They turned by another corner, and there sat people on even more couches and chairs, playing games on a small wooden table. Some were smoking, soft drinks and alcohol was pretty visible in the sight too. And a three people were having fun spray painting on the wall beside them, making a weird smell linger around the place.

But that was least of Jeongin's concern. In fact, his biggest concern was talking to a bunch of new people..which definitely freaked him out a tiny bit. But he caught through the small group of people and found a nice place to sit.

"So this is my go to hang out place. I'm actually happy to finally show you thus place, I knew it would take quote some convincing..but hey! We're here, and I told you it wasn't that bad" Jisung spoke, nudging Jeongin's shoulder with his elbow. Causing the younger to turn his attention to the older.

"Jisung..if my parents find out just the slightest bit that I haven't been in my room tonight, they are going to bomb questions at me..heck maybe even set a bodyguard to watch me" Jeongin spoke, voice wavering a bit as he looked at Jisung with worried eyes.

"I know..but for now just enjoy you're time alright? If they find out and do something that makes you uncomfortable, come to me okay? Plus they won't find out, atleast not for tonight. I've planned this for 2 months!" Jisung spoke, clapping the boy to encourage the younger to just relax and have some fun.

Jeongin had no other choice but to give in, rest his full body against the cushions as he looked at the ceiling. Holding onto Jisung's hands tightly, just to have some form of support and relaxation.

He trusted Jisung fully. Yes many may think of him as a bad influence, but Jeongin really appreciated that Jisung showed him all these sides to the world, that he for sure wouldn't be able to experience if he never met the older.

"Thank you" he whispered, getting cut up with watching people play and having some fun..making him smile and laugh time to time.

He felt..safe? Even though he was in a dangerous area, even though he was with the majority of people he have never seem or met in his life before..but he felt somewhat at place, even though he certainly didn't look like it.

Of course he couldn't help the growing smile to spread on his face, laughing when people lost in games. Or when someone downed a bottle of liquor.

This place was indeed something else..it was pretty and comfy and the overall atmosphere was nice. It was all to good to be true, but it was very much real..and he loved every part of it.

He felt the empty space behind him sink, causing him to look up as he spotted a man. He had blonde, curly hair. His eyes darted to the man's tattoos and piercings, immediately catching the young boy by surprise. He felt intrigued, but was that wrong of him? The man seemed very intimidating, and definitely not someone he would be the first to approach.

Jisung looked over too, spotting yet another one of his friends that sat back, relaxing against the cushions just like what Jeongin did.

"Ayo Chan! Long time no see..where you've been man?" Jisung smiled, giving the intimidating man, who he assumed was Chan, a knuckle. Before continuing his conversation that he had just started.

"Been at the tattoo shop, customers has been pulling up after Hyunjin did that stunt of his..who is this baby?" Chan spoke, his tone low and calm as he spoke, seeming like he enjoyed relaxing quite a lot.

"Thst friend of mine I've talked about..I finally managed to get him out of that mansion" Jisung groaned, making Jeongin's face heat up a tiny bit, feeling quite embarrassed to be mentioned into the conversation.

He sat awkwardly between the two of them, who were conversing back and forth.

"Well Jeongin! I'll be going to greet my boyfriend real quick, I'll leave you with Chan..don't worry he doesn't bite..he might scratch though" Jisung spoke, immediately standing up as he charged towards his boyfriend, engulfing him in a hug.

It was no lie that Jisung was a great charmer. He could wrap almost whoever he wanted around his fingers, just by his personality alone. Jeongin found it quite mesmerizing, but never commented on it. Since he believed he should just let Jsiung live his own life.

However, the comment Jisung left with definitely did not calm his raising mind, and instead was quite worried as he tried to avoid eye contact and conversing with the male beside him.

Of course that was a pathetic attempt that failed quicker than it started.

"So you're the infamous boy, whose name we have been hearing for weeks" Chan spoke, causing Jeongin to feel quite to shiver down his spine.

"Hm..I guess Jisung probably didn't have a lot to say about me..my life us very boring" Jeongin scratched his nape, hoping to make the heavy tension disappear.

"Oh trust me..he won't shut up about you...he is very happy to be friend with you".

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