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"Jeongin!" A frantic voice could been heard as a familiar male entered the room in an instance. Looking around the hospital room to spot the young boy on the floor, with beets and pearls, sewing them around a string, deeply focused on the said act. And eventually got so surprised he spilled it everywhere on the floor.

"C-chan!" Jeongin exclaimed as he looked up at the panting male.

It definitely had caught him off guard seeing Chan stand there in the middle of the room, sweat rolling from his forehead to his neck, panting, completely out of breath. He looked like he ran a marathon. Honestly, Chan wasn't supposed to know about the incident..Jeongin had grown too insecure about his body to even try and contact him via messages. He didn't know how to ever feel himself again. His scarred and now more uglier body, made him feel much more insecure about his appearance..it wasn't supposed to go this way at all.

"Baby..why didn't you call nor text me? I was contacted by Seungmin..he said he couldn't keep it a secret for me" Chan spoke as he walked closer to the younger, crouching down with a worried look.

Jeongin wasn't exactly sure how to feel. He loved Chan a lot. But he was no longer sure what to do, now that his body is ugly. He wouldn't be enjoyable anymore, not with his ugly scarred skin.

"I'm sorry..i-i really am.." Jeongin mumbled beneath his breath, feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around his body, lifting his fragile body up into his embrace.

"Why didn't you tell me darling?" Chan whispered in his ear kissing it softly as he caressed the younger's head.

The soft touch made Jeongin melt. But he was far too insecure and worried about what Chan would think about his body..he would definitely ditch him and find someone else once he sees the damage he created on himself. He hated himself for it..he felt like he lost everything.

"I was scared..you are going to hate me Chan..y-you won't even be able to look at me..I better just keep the hoodies I stole from you" Jeongin cried, whimpering in the man's arms as he held on for dear life. Too afraid to lose the love of his life.

"Noo, don't say that! I don't care about your body baby..no one should..you are so much more than your body, and I promise. Theses are just going to be apart of your story baby..don't be scared to let the world know how strong of a soldier you are" Chan attempted to comfort, looking at the younger with fond and apologetic eyes.

"B-but..they are bad..r-reallt bad, and ugly! I-I don't want this body..Chan, please get me out of this body" Jeongin cried, his insecurities taking over him completely. As he pulled the boy further into his embrace, pulling his face to face him completely, before kissing him soft on the lips.

"Don't say that. You are perfect. P.e.r.f.e.c.t, perfect. Okay? Don't doubt yourself baby, I won't listen to any of the bullshit leaving your mouth..cause you shouldn't talk down on yourself like that!" Chan spoke as he picked the younger up, letting him wrap his loose limbs around him for extra security. "I'm taking you home today, I told the doctors I was a family member of yours..those idiot believe everything" Chan chuckled, picking up the bag filled with clothes on the floor, packing the charger and the phone in if aswell.

"I don't wanna go home..not until u move out" Jeongin shook his head, refusing to go with the elder.

Chan smiled, pecking the boy's lips, nose and forehead. Shaking his own head as he chuckled.

"You are never going back to that house baby..with home I mean the apartment, you are going to move in early..I don't care what you say, you are not staying here and potentially get hospitalized in the mental hospital, and your not going to go back to that house. You'll be moving out today, aka right now" Chan spoke, placing the bag on his shoulder as he easily held Jeongin with the other arm..as if he weighted nothing, letting the boy cling to him without a single word being spilled.

And so, they quickly left the hospital that the boy has stayed in for only 3 days, glad to be discharged, and glad to not be going home..yet he couldn't stop thinking about his body and his arms..hating the look so badly as he pulled himself impossibly closer to Chan.

When they reached the door, Chan settled down the bag at the backseat, and placing Jeongin by the front passenger seat..and then eventually situating himself, by the drivers seat. Buckling up his seat belt he looked at Jeongin.

"This is a new chapter of your life innie..take it in with warm hands okay? I'll be staying the first nights with you, I'm not going to leave you alone, not right now atleast..okay?" Chan spoke, driving away from the hospital as soon as he saw the younger buckling up his seat belt.

"I'm fine with that..I'm sorry for being such a careless mess" Jeongin mumbled, quietly fiddling with his fingers.

Chan sighed, placing a hand on his thigh and squeezing it softly..rubbing his thumb over to soft pair of pants he wore.

"Atleast you're a beautiful mess baby..and that's alright, we all have our fights to get through in life, and some are tougher than others" Chan comforted again, keeping his gaze at road as his hand kept comforting him. "You know I love you right?".

"Mhm..I love you too Channie".

Fluff chapter? I think yes.

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