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"But what if I don't fulfill everything at once, what if I end up messing everything up?" Felix asked, anxiety lingered in his tone. Which alerted the boy beside who smiled at him reassuringly.

"You are going to be just fine, I can't promise it'll be easy. But you need to get that demon out of your head and start a new beginning" Jeongin reassured by words, pulling the older out of bed as he scanned the room. "Do you have any luggage?" Jeongin asked confusedly, looking around carefully to not invade the boy's room without permission.

"No, this is all Jisung's clothes..he let me borrow some since only Minho managed to pack.." Felix stated, putting on a pair of slippers as he headed to the door. "I own nothing here..I only have my phone and headphones, nothing else..so, I can't do much about it" Felix spoke with a deprived voice leaving the room as he walked to the living room.

Jeongin nodded to himself, leaving a mental note that they had to do some form of shopping to get in clothes, since it was a basic need for everyone to have. He followed Jisung shortly after, feeling slightly bad about leaving the room in such disgusting conditions. But there wasn't much to do anyways..it would take hours if not days to clean that room up, and they didn't have time for that. So he hoped that Jisung would spare them on that one.

"Alright..you have a coat? Jacket, or something?" He asked as he met Felix by the front door.

"I've already told you..I have nothing. Nothing and no one. We can walk, I'll survive" Felix spoke again, with a low tone making the younger nod carefully.

"Hm, I'll text Ji when we're home.." Jeongin spoke as he was the first to leave the apartment building, glancing at Felix who stepped out aswell, muttering a word beneath his breath that didn't go unheard by the younger.


Jeongin felt bad for Felix. He knew they didn't cling at all, but he still felt bad. He couldn't care less about the hurtful words the older has thrown on him previously. But Felix was just lucky he spat those words on him, and not someone else..not everyone would forgive someone who yelled and tossed things at them. But Jeongin saw potential in Felix, he knew he could get better. If people would just stop treating him like a mentally sick person, and let him rot in his own room for months. Then maybe he never had to take him in.

Don't get him wrong. He loved Jisung, and he knew Minho wouldn't do that consciously to his own brother. But it was clear Jisung only Gabe shelter and food. Instead of actually lecturing Felix what life is all about. Cause Felix had to move on somehow, and letting his demons chase him down..was never the answer to a better life. So he had to pull Felix away from them, he got no progress there. He wanted Felix to be 'forced' to do something, like having a job, and earning money. Cause if you quit or get fired, you won't get paid. And that equals to not having enough money to take care of himself.

So he had to hold Felix up in some form of way. He had to have requirements, cause he didn't do this for free.

"Jeongin..what about Chan? I wouldn't interrupt anything right? I won't be a burden?" Felix asked concerned, letting the piercing cold breeze pinch his skin, as he immediately hugged his body.

"Felix, I won't be bringing Chan around unless it's for the sake of help or a good get together. If I want sex or kisses I can go to his place. It's going to be yours home too, it's not fair if I just keep bringing my lover home to fuck or kiss in your face..don't worry, you shouldn't wonder. Focus on the goals and requirements I've given you, they it'll all be just fine" Jeongin explained, looking at the shivering boy with a pitiful look on his face.

"I can't help but let my mind wander off..I'm sorry, I tend to overthink" Felix mumbled.

"It alright. But just don't let it get to you head too much lix. You deserve to have shelter and food, but you can't expect to just sleep around for hours on end without doing anything..so as I said, you don't need to do anything other than fulfill basic requirements" the younger smiled, patting the older boy's back in an reassuring manner. "We are far from that neighborhood lix. We don't need to worry too much. No one is after you, you have us and we'll help you" He stated.

"But don't you think it's about time going to the police? Sue them and get them jailed up? They have not only treated us badly..but people in need too" Felix spoke with a confused look on his face, making Jeongin sigh.

"We have to lay low first..you have to get better first, because it won't do we get that pressure and stress upon us now.." Jeongin spoke with a long breath. "The Kim's knows about us. They found out after the incident I had, that I put myself in the hospital. So now they know..and they seem open to hear us out" he continued, releasing the breath he held.

"I-if that's what's best..then i-i think it's okay" Felix nodded in encouragement, wanting to go with the flow instead of doing something potentially risking and fucking up the situation.

Which Jeongin appreciated.

"Let's go up, you're allowed to look through the whole apartment..it's yours now too".

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