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"Hm, maybe instead of being angry, or upset..you could talk about it?" Chan spoke, his hands running through the youngest hair, as he laid still in his embrace.

Jeongin had previously opened up about his anger towards the government decision to let people outside of devil town, vote on whether the citizens in that specific area, deserved an education. He was fuming with anger from the inside, but expressed it as grief on the outside. What else could he do? He was raised to be hiding behind a sickening smile. He couldn't quite keep up much longer.

"But..I've already talked about it?" Jeongin shook his head, not wanting any form of words to comfort him. He just wanted Chan, he needed Chan.

And boy did the older notice. The way the younger dropped to silence, pulling himself impossibly closer to the older. Chan couldn't bear seeing Jeongin like this..all confused, frustrated and stressed all at once. He couldn't quite wrap a finger around how bad he felt inwards, but he could see how bad he felt, just by the way Jeongin expressed his words, facial expression and body language.

Maybe a little over analyzing, but it only brought them both closer.

"You're still young innie..many things are going to be messing you up in the future, whether you'd like it or not..it just can't be your choice. I'm sure Jisung still would come by every night like the old times..Jisung can't lose something he has already lost a long time ago..so don't think to much baby, I promise you, that is going to be alright" Chan whispered, pulling the duvet over Jeongin's body. Shaking his head as of why the boy decided to wear a t-shirt and shorts when it clearly was getting colder and colder, day by day.

"I just...feel like a disappointment? I do so much that makes me happy, but my parents...I can't ever tell them the truth, or atleast the whole truth. And it hurts..knowing what they could possibly do, if they found out I had gotten a tattoo, running away to devil town, being close to a man..they would kill me" Jeongin spoke, sighing as he continued to pull himself closer. Letting Chan wrap hid arms around his smaller build.

"You. Are. Not. A. Disappointment." Chan spoke, word by word as he brought the younger face to closer to his. His serious eyes darting into his own. It felt dangerous, thrilling..something he have never felt before, but he kind of liked it? "Your parents are a disappointment" He whispered, still looking into his eyes deeply..as if he could see everything from above.

Jeongin couldn't help the blush decorating his cheeks. He has always found Chan's persona odd. He was so gentle and nice if you knew him. But so damn intimidating when you first had your impression on him.

The duality seemed to intrigued the younger, and he couldn't help but to slowly lose himself in the charming personality. It was irresistible, sweet like candy..perfect? If not, then what?

"You're cute, you know that? I feel like I can't help but adore you" Chan chuckled, looking at the younger as his eyes darted away from his eyes in a second. "How long till your parents will be back?" Chan asked.

"Uhm in a matter of a week or two..I'm planning that when a full week is left, I'll just be having you guys over in my room..to you know..be on the safe side" Jeongin smiled, feeling the warmth finally embrace him..the warmth his been waiting on for hours to come to him.

"Hm..it's going to be difficult, but I promise I'll be standing right behind you, ready to attack".

Just the way he spoke could drive the younger crazy. God, what did he get himself into? His heart was pounding so fast..it felt wrong, but oh so right.

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