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The boy stood still in shock at the statement that left Chan lips. His mind seemed to process information much slower than usual as his brain went through, every single word that left Chan's lips seconds ago.

Of course he wasn't about to get a tattoo permanently inked into his skin forever..atleast not now, and he never really knew if he was ever going to get one himself. Sure he admired them..but he wasn't quite sure if that was a rule he'd like to just break..especially judging by the fact that if his parents found out, he would for sure be dead.

Going to devil town, sneaking a friend in and even sneaking out himself was already a lot for him to handle. So he figured that there shouldn't be a reason to go further..not yet.

But something in his mind was also telling him it'll be a fun experience, a memory that could last from his last year of being a teenager. He knew he had tried nothing during his teen years other than sneaking Jisung into his room. Maybe he should just push some edges..but he still figured it would be too much.

But what if they didn't find out? What if he got it somewhere no one could see it? But then again..it would hurt, why go through pain for something so troublesome..something so controversial and rebellious for him to do.

His debate in his mind never seemed to end..almost getting dizzy with his own mind.

"Dude your going to get slathered by the hands of you're parents if they find out" Jisung laughed out. Sitting himself down on the couch before Chan who seemed to find the boy's debating and confused look on his face, quite funny.

"They are..really they are going to torture the life out of me" Jeongin shook his head, causing Chan to chuckle further.

Chan stood up, patting his back as he opened a can of soda, taking a small sip from it. It seemed as if it wasn't a big thing that just slipped out of Chan's mouth..which of course kind of encouraged Jeongin somehow.

"But then again, Chan is an amazing tattoo artist-".

"Jisung you are legitimately giving me a headache..stop making my mind wander off to such ideas" Jeongin complained. pouting as he sat down himself. Crossing his arms as if he was an upset child.

The idea in general was intriguing. But he was both willing to do it, but also highly against it. But it would still be a fun memory, but not a fun situation he could possibly get himself into.

Just the reaction from his parents, of when he drew a small star and a heart on his hand with a blue marker got them angry and upset. Telling him how bad it is to do that to his skin, both for his reputation and his health. Honestly he didn't really understand the big deal. But if they got mad at him having a small heart or a star drawn on his hand, then how in the world would they react if they found out he got a tattoo permanently done?

The torture it would be. He wasn't even allowed to have a phone while they were gone..how could he be allowed to have a life if they found out he did anything of this.

"Your reaction is cute..I've never seen anyone comptemplate about such a thing so seriously before" Chan spoke. Already smiling from ear to ear.

But again. If he got one where no one could ever see it..then it wouldn't hurt right?..

"What if...no that's still stupid" Jeongin groaned, rolling of the couch in pure agony over the fact he had such a debate going on in his head.

"Say it..I wanna hear your idea" Chan and Jisung said I union. Making them both chuckle slightly.

"What if..you know, did it somewhere not noticeable?".

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