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The silence in the air was calming and quiet, the boy, sat by the big apple tree by the school..simply reading a book to calm down his own thoughts.

Jeongin has for the past few days, started to once again worry. Now that his parents were closer to returning home, day by day, his mind couldn't sit still. The tattoo he got imprinted onto his body was healing significantly great, but was of course still very prominent, just not for everyone's eyes too see.

Jisung didn't quite come to school today. Well actually, he left after the first class, getting into a public argument with the teacher that made both Seungmin's and Jisung's head spin. They were both upset to see one of their friends suddenly being attacked verbally by a teacher in such ways.

"You know..we can't read our problems away right?" Seungmin spoke, looking up at the younger boy who sat down. Enjoying the scribbled words on the seemingly endless pages.

"But how could Mr.Kim just announce like that? Doesn't it..effect Jisung's future?" Jeongin asked with a frown on his face, never even once diverting his eyes away from the older boy.

The news given from their teacher had surprised everyone in the classroom, and of course making few people burn with anger. Seeing people leave the school due to the same news, were honestly disgusting.

"I know..but there has to be a better explanation?" Seungmin spoke, focusing back on the book beneath his head.

"People from the devil town also need an education?! It's not their fault they live there..of only the government could care enough about them, instead of using the town as their junkyard" Jeongin spoke, fury leaving his mouth as he annoyingly slammed his book together. "Jisung doesn't deserve this..".

"I suppose...I know I'm not on good terms with him..but I have to agree..it is sad that they are pushing away peoples chances, of turning into a beautiful flower, rather than to rot in a yard filled with dirt" Seungmin spoke, deep down hating to admit the truth.

The news had gotten to them as a surprise, but they honestly didn't like that someone like the government could take away opportunities from young people, whose life could change in the future.

It pissed them off quite frankly. How a friend of their own, could be thrown away like trash. It is not fair.

"Would Jisung come over after school?" Jeongin asked, looking at the small watch on his wrist, confirming lunch would end soon.

"I'll text him later..We've got five minutes left, and we haven't eaten shit" the taller of them curse out, shaking his head as he closed his own book.

Both boys stood up, grabbing their own belongings in silence, as they did not have more to say. Whether if it was on the current situation, or general gossip. Neither of them said a word, and took their own individual paths back into the school, avoiding being seen together was a must. Especially since they went to school with some kids, that lived in their neighborhood. And no one needed to know a thing.

Small update. Have been so tired these two days, so I apologize for the wait♡.

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