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"You know..this is very risky right?" Jungso spoke as soon as the two boys entered the car. Their faces was telling it all.

"When has it not been risky Jungso?" Jeongin asked with a heavy breath, looking at his driver with a twisted look on his face.

He didn't know how to feel himself. But he couldn't just stop seeing Chan, especially not after their special moments together. All that heart fluttering and brightness he felt that moment, someday he'll experience it all again, but patience needs time. And right now, their time seemed limited.

He needed to do something. He have been sneaking people in and sneaking out many nights. He have helped two complete strangers run from their own home, and he have fallen inlove with an adult..but that wasn't exactly bad, since he was turning 18 right around the corners of next year. He did not feel ashamed yet.

He just needed to stay hidden enough from his parents.

Which would might or might not be harder, now that his behaviour has changed up so much.

But he liked it..he felt free to go against his own parents..even sort of in front of them..that was a huge accomplishment for him.

"I'm just saying..I wouldn't risk it...Your parents are so upset with you, I just cant bear the thought of you being caught" Jungso spoke with a small worried smile, as he started the engine and drove away.

"But you would be there for me even if I got caught..right?" Jeongin questioned, looking at his driver with a frown.

He knew the promises they made, he couldn't snitch. It'll get them both in bad trouble. Therefor, they both took one for the team..not wanting to leave anyone behind.

"True thing..I'm just worried, that's all..over the past months of doing this, I feel like I've grown a little attachments to your funny schemes..and we're not even supposed to close to begin with. But I'm just saying, if anything happens..or if I hear anything bad that happened, involving this shit..I'll be glad to drive you all the way to fucking Busan or even book a flight to Japan, if that's what's necessary" Jungso explained. Releasing the two teenage boys at the back seats much more.

"Just as long as I and my friends can trust you..then that's what's matter" Jeongin spoke the final word. Letting the car fall into complete silence.

A nice one. It was comforting.

Jeongin still needed extra relievement when it came to trusting Jungso. It was not that he doubted him that much, but the man did indeed work for his parents and was paid to drive him front and back to the places he used to want to go. Which was obviously limited.

But nothing could compare to the feeling of freedom and pure happiness from being himself. He hated having to lie to his parents, but he just couldn't trust them with anything.

He couldn't go home all excited about having a boyfriend, or any form of love interest. Without being completely interrogated from the bottom to the top. He also couldn't talk about friends, without his parents needing to know their household income. Toxic..It was indeed toxic. And Jeongin wanted to break free from all of those years his spend being a dumb little puppy, trying to please his parents 24/7.

They drove for about ten more minutes before Jungso turned of the engine, announcing their arrival to Chan's apartment.

"Alright boys we're here! Just call me if you need a ride home-".

"Actually..you should go with us If you're not busy" Seungmin spoke, for the first time in the 25 minutes of silence they held.

"I'm..not busy but, you sure the others want me there...I mean I'm just a driver soo?" Jungso asked. "I'm also quite older than all of you, even Chan..so I don't know" He chuckled as he continued.

"So what? You are as much apart of this as we are..you should come along" this time Jeongin piped up, a big smile on his face, wanting Jungso to badly join them.

He had to atleast see Minho and Felix once..right?

"Okay..let's go then" he mumbled, getting out of the car, soon followed by Jeongin and Seungmin, who squealed happily behind him. "What floor does Chan live in?" He turned around asking.

"7th floor, there's an elevator, but it is a bit..dirty, and small" Jeongin spoke, opening the door to the apartment complex.

There were only a rundown staircase, and an elevator that seemed practically inusable. But despite that, they still took the elevator to the seventh floor.

"Is that a fucking rat?!" Jungso exclaimed as the door closed. Looking at the rotten animal simply eating a some disposed food.

"No, it's a mouse stupid prick".

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