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The boy sighed as he pushed the big box towards the wall, his feets stumbling across the floor as he used his whole body weight to push the big boxes towards the wall. It was where the couch was supposed to be.

Jeongin had for the few weeks, not only went job hunting, not only researched after online education forms, but also ran a whole mile around his apartment. He wanted to measure spaces, and getting a clear mind about where certain things could stay. He actually liked being on the go, instead of laying in a bedroom with nothing to do. He felt caged inside of his bedroom, he never wandered around freely without interruptions or disturbance, late night runs was his only free time. But this..this was so much more than freedom, it gave him a sense of control, a nice feeling of escaping his old enclosed bedroom. He had a fridge he could store his own kind of food in, he had a bedroom he could decorate however he wanted, and closet he could have whatever clothes he wanted in there, without any unnecessary comments.

He could move around freely, that gave him a calm sense of freedom and control. A sense of being independent, something he didn't know he wanted. All he thought he wanted was freedom, but it turned out to be much deeper and more sensual than just that. It felt so nice and comforting.

Of course he loved being alone, he was used to it too. So moving so far didn't have the biggest effect on his mental health, like he was warned about..he was happy..he was happy alone, without having to rely his happiness on other people for once. He couldn't wait till he officially ran away from his family. He would no longer be hiding, he wouldn't be relying his feelings on other people. And instead he could feel happy alone, by himself and of course his friends aswell. But he never felt happy alone, and this made him realize how much he actually needed this.

"I should probably ask Chan to help build this couch.." Jeongin mumbled to himself, deeply focused on the boxers that seemed quite complicated to figure out.

He wasn't yet building stuff, he wanted to wait till he officially moved out. But he couldn't help but to fix the few first things. Like setting up the curtain, measuring stuff, reorganizing the bathroom a bit. He felt quite energetic about the upcoming chapter of his life..a chapter he was preparing to dice into. Something his been wanting his whole life, and it was standing right infront of him.

He smiled for a final time before exiting the almost still empty apartment, locking the door after himself and exiting the building where he spotted a familiar car outside. Upon entering the car, he turned around towards his driver with a huge smile across his face, as he put on his seat belt.

"All set?" Jungso asked as he looked up from his from, spotting the younger who was grinning from one side to the other. "I still can't believe you did that by yourself, I really wanted to see your apartment" Jungso spoke, slightly disappointed that the younger boy wanted to wait for the apartment to by fully furnished and ready, before anyone but him and Chan, could see the new apartment.

Also known as his upcoming home.

"Well, there is not long till new years, it's already December..time flies so fast it's unbelievable" Jeongin smiled even brighter, as he watched Jungso start the car.

"Hm..you are so stubborn on that thought...but nonetheless to say, I'm sure it is going to look great...did you know I'm going to quit my job when you move?" Jungso asked as he drove away from the apartment complex, his eyes fixated on the road infront of him.

"What? Why?".

"Well, it is hard to handle that family..it's always been a struggle, the lay has been good so I held on through the past 17, almost 18 years, but I really need a refreshment myself..also my wife is pregnant, and I figured that I wanted to be more present than gone..and with my current working hours, and unexpected working hours..I need to change up things, which you parents would have allowed me to do.." he explained calmly, finding slight amusement in Jeongin's facial expressions. "Everyone needs a change".

"If it what makes you happy, I'm going to support it..you've got any updates on the Lee's?" Jeongin spoke, his smile faded by now, as he turned the conversation to a more serious subject.

"They are moving in with Jisung. Minho has bene assigned a psychiatrist, since according the report Felix made about his mental health, has gotten noticed by the doctors almost instantly..so Minho wanted to stay with Minho, and Felix doesn't really have much of a choice but to tag along" Jungso explained with a heavy sigh, gripping the steering wheel a bit firmer than before, his eyes glaring at the road. "Chan also said that Felix has a lot of build up anger left in him from the unfair mistreatment..Chan believes it is best that both the brothers starts a form of therapy..but Felix denies his need for therapy..I figured you could talk to felix" Jungso spoke.

"Is that why we are on our way to devil town?" Jeongin peeked at the road, already memorizing the way to devil town from where he was going to move in.

"Yeah..I know you two haven't been good friends, but Felix is a strange guy..he needs someone to lash out on..and basically I'm putting you as a victim of that" Jungso spoke with a soft chuckle, causing the younger to shake his head.

"Will you atleast attend my funeral with the knowledge of setting me up for getting killed?".

"We'll see about that" Jungso smirked, glancing at Jeongin once before focusing back his gaze to the road.


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