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"I-..I don't understand? You want me to be alone for five weeks?" Jeongin spoke slightly concerned, looking at his parents in shock and disbelief written on his face. But deep down, there was light where he cheered, knowing he'd have some form of mare freedom.

"Honey, it's only five weeks. We've tried this before alright. Besides your 17, you can be home during those days, it's fine" his mother spoke, right after announcing their business trip to Japan, which they had to leave for tomorrow morning.

That made it so much riskier to be outside tonight, but the thrill of sneaking out was still there. Jungso sat as he listened into the family's discussion, he was somehow brought in on the matter..since they knew they could trust Jungso, or atleast they thought.

Cause again. They had no idea what their child and his driver has been planning tonight.

"We would head to bed at 7, so dinner would be served by Anny at 5..we can discuss this further and the dining table. But really, this is such a huge opportunity for us. You know how much we cherish our work son" his father spoke, making his statement seem for more selfish and arrogant that Jeongin had originally wished for.

He was still expected to go to bed early, wake up early and keep his grades up as high as possible.

He knew that them not being around was a freedom at its own. And he also knew that he wouldn't be able to escape from the fact that candy, chocolates and sweets in general was not allowed. No one could come over, only if it was school related subjectives. And the final and worse touch..no phone.

Of course he had a hard time understanding why his precious phone should be taking away from him. It wasn't fair and he really didn't like it to just been locked away. But Jungso did assure him that he would try and get it back to him.

Why did his parents have to be so strict? Why couldn't they just be nice and leave him be? Let him do stuff other teenagers would.

Like, dyeing your hair, get a piercing..get a stick and poke tattoo, eat junk food 24/7, go out and have fun..have friends over, movie nights, lazing out for a few days. Such a thing as breaking rules shouldn't have the consequences his parents held for him if he were to be caught sneaking out. It wasn't fair that they couldn't just let their teenage son, be a teenager.

"Sure, whatever you say mom..I'll be going to my room, and also you don't need to say goodbye tomorrow, I don't want my sleep to be disturbed" Jeongin spoke in a far more unusual tone than he had expected..catching himself off guard.

Perhaps he got a bit annoyed by the debate in his head.

"Young man! Please speak appropriately when your talking to us" his mother's stern voice called out, making him turn around. Half heartedly wanting to just punch the guts out of his parents.

He had no idea why he was so incredibly annoyed at them..but he really just couldn't take them leaving while still taking most of freedom away, it was suffering knowing he didn't have access to his phone.

He guessed that he must find another alternative to contact Jisung.

"I know, I'm sorry..I'm just tired. There is a new kid in class that is so full of themselves..so I'm tired after being bothered today" Jeongin lied, leaving immediately after his words was spoken. Quickly closing the door to his respective room and personal space.

He sighed as he hit his head with his palm, not understanding why he spoke to them like that. He was so frustrated. He really needed the relief tonight, he needed to get out and away from this house..and with that, he sat anxiously on his bed. Impatient with high expectations.

All he could hope was that Jungso would keep his mouth shut, and that he could keep his promise with trusting him.

If not. Then what even was to point of satisfying everyone around him?

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