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It's been 2 hours, which according to the school day, would be the middle of the day. There was plenty of time to discuss further, yet everything seemed to be stressing one and another out.

They first needed to upgrade Jeongin's plan, which mean readjusting some certain attachments, and since Felix was there..he could easily give a no or a go to certain plans they made. Which he criticized heavily. Considering that Felix has been caught, he probably knows the do's and don't in this situation. And Jeongin was glad that Felix finally seemed to help willingly..especially taking the fact he had to be pushed into the shop, into consideration.

"So Innie..weekends are safe choices, which means the other days either Chan and I would come over to hangout..of course being quiet but you know" Jisung spoke. "And as of my situation with the Lee's, I think it's best to eventually get Minho and Felix out of that house..I just don't know how to inform him" Jisung spoke timidly, looking at Felix for a sign of help.

"Uhm..maybe that little box of essentials you give him once awhile, we can put a letter in to inform him" Chan spoke, looking away from the quietly listening boy in his arms, and has previously focused on the other two boys infront of him.

"I have little to no money Chan..that'll take literally a while.." Jisung sighed, a devastating look across his face.

"I'll pay Ji, don't worry. I suppose your boyfriend must mean a lot to the both of you, and since I know you Ji for such a long time, I'd make sure to help..and Felix..Can you make sure to try and see him?" Chan spoke, calming the tension among them just a tiny bit down.

But Jeongin was still tensely laying in his arms, his mind slightly a different place as he lacked the feelings of touch. He wanted to be near Chan, but Chan was busy talking, and sure he needed to pay attention himself..but his mind was stuck on the older.


Jeongin snapped out of his trance as he looked at Jisung with furrowed brows, making the boy sigh out in distress once again.

"I'm sorry I'll pay attention" he mumbled, fiddling his own hands with Chan's.

"To answer you question Chan..basically no, but I'm sure if I climbed the roof to Minho's room that his guard in there would let me in..he is going easy on Minho, and let's Jisung sneak in food to him.." Felix spoke, eyeing the squirrel in the corner of his eyes.

"That's a plan. Do it tonight, we'd give you the box, so you better hide it well" Chan spoke, standing up causing the boy to stumble to his legs in displeasure, as he rummaged through his stuff.

Eventually finding an old box with old tattoo supplies, emptying it quickly before making his way back with the now empty box.

"Here, there should be snack in the back, just go an take whatever Minho likes" Chan smiled.

Jeongin skin crawled, still standing up. He did feel kind of shocked by the quick treatment..and I hurt him a bit too. Why did it hurt..why did he doubt his feelings now. And why was he so Goddamn focused on everything else, but Chan.

He roamed his hand through his own hair, biting his lip in frustration. It took a toll on him for sure. And the pure frustration of feeling lost and displeased, seemed to course through his body endlessly.

But the amount of time Jeongin stood still and focused on his shoes. The more Chan noticed, bringing the boy back into his embrace with a frown displayed on his own face.

"What bothering you?" Chan whispered in his ear, making Jeongin's skin crawl.

All senses in his body had become so sensitive. The way he could feel Chan's hot breath so close to his skin, as his nose seemed to burrow in his neck, inhaling his cologne. The sudden contact made him wavy, his body slightly shaking to the feeling of being close to the taller..of course in a good way.

It had only now made sense for him, that Felix and Jisung was gone. Probably in the back of the store, but they were out of sight.

"Nothing..I promise you it's nothing, just a bit worried alright" Jeongin forced a smile upon his face, eyes dropping low as he sighed heavily upon his chest.

His attention shifted to a slight pain on his thighs, turning his attention upwards to see Chan glaring down at him..his body once calmly, slowly starting to tense up.

"Now, don't you avoid my question baby..listen, don't lie, tell me the truth.." Chan continued to whisper, slowly loosening his grib on the younger who gulped down dryly.

"I didn't like...the way you just threw me off..I know it wasn't intentional, but it still hurt" Jeongin answered honestly, pouting as he way pulled closer to the elder's chest.

He said nothing to the said act..Chan was right about talking his feelings out, it would always make him feel much better, than keeping them enclosed.

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