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"Remember the very first time I brought you chocolate?" Jisung spoke, taking a sip of his soda as he giggled out in response, remembering how in the past, Jeongin's would fear just being near an empty chocolate wrapper, scared his parents might see it and scold him.

Of course things were different now. Well not exactly at the schooling part, but morally on his confidence..which would seem like an improvement in everyone's eyes, but his parents.

Felix just hummed in reply, Seungmin, who came over basically 30 minutes ago. And Minho, who looked at his boyfriend fondly, interested in whatever left the young boy's mouth.

Jisung and Seungmin still struggled to bond with each other, still keeping their  seemingly never ending beef, ongoing. But Jeongin was confident that they would grow used to each other, since they already subconsciously had become closer, knowing secrets about each other and personal facts..Jeongin could see a blooming friendship. A lasting one? Well time has to judge upon that.

He and Felix obviously wasn't the closest neither. But something was quite odd with the other male, who seemed to be changing his demeanor infront of people, and not really wanting to seem weak infront of anyone. All Jeongin knew was that factor, nothing else.

He remembered how Felix had begged in him in the past, but also scurried away from him after opening up. Maybe a form of self protection? A way to conceal the bleeding wounds inside of him. He was indeed younger that Minho, but was always the one taking care of his older brother. Jeongin could only assume how difficult that task in general must be, feeling kind of bad for the freckled male to have such responsibilities at his age.

But he still saw potential. Even though he only knew Seungmin and Jisung, even though Seungmin and Jisung fought quite a bit..even though he didn't know Minho at all, and even though Felix refused to participate in friendship.

Jeongin could still feel it..the spark, like they were meant to find each other.

Now that might sound funny to many ears, but really. With the situation going on, it must be a kick to make them all see the reality inbetween poor and rich, how it is to live a decent life. They all wanted that. They all wanted a regular house, with enough warmth and love, with just a normal job, with a simple love affair, and be able to express how they felt without being looked down at.

But it is not easy to get what we want. It's a struggle, even though it might be the simplest thing in the world to achieve, it can still be hard.

"You were so scared back then of everything. The way you looked around the classroom in pure fear that anyone would catch you eating a single chocolate bar, I don't know if I should've have found it amusing or sad" Jisung snorted out, his hands placing down his drink on the night stand.

His words made Jeongin roll his eyes with a sheepish grin, knowing exactly how to reply.


"I've learned from back then..I honestly don't know why I was so scared of everything..I felt like everything and everyone back then was parasites..I'm glad I got out of the mindset" Jeongin spoke, his head resting against one singular pillow, since Minho and Jisung took them all for themselves.

"You feared your parents not the chocolate" Felix scoffed, sitting himself upright as he glared a soft glance at Jeongin.

"Mm..your right. And I'm still scared of them..but I know the right people, I've did for day one of befriending someone..you might not be happy you met us, but I'm really glad I met all of you guys" Jeongin mumbled, knowing he'd be nowhere without them.

He wanted to stay humbled. He knew he didn't get all the way here on his own, he got help. And he wanted to appreciate it so much, he was so thankful..he could only give back the same amount of trust and friendship some of them brought him.

"We are not friends" Felix gritted through hid teeth..making the room go silent.

Jeongin didn't exactly remember if he mentioned Felix being a friend in his previous sentence. But the topic of friendship really seemed to piss the boy off, and he wondered why.

Why was Felix..so odd?

What made Felix so odd?

He wanted to know the answer to the two questions..but he obviously didn't wanna confront the upset freckled boy.

"I..I didn't intend to make nit sound that way..I'm just grateful for the help I've gotten..that's all" Jeongin mumbled, lowering his head slightly as he fiddled with hid fingers.

"Lixie..don't you think it's time to drop your attitude?" Now, and unfamiliar voice spoke, making the four boys inside the room turn their heads in the direction, the voice originated from. It was Minho. He spoke? "I mean..the boy did not only help you, but appreciate the amount of effort you put into everything..he is complimenting you. Don't be scared to make a friend, you know, ladging onto your own brother for the rest of your life is not healthy..you need your own experience" Minho mumbled, his eyes closed as he kept himself calm.

"I just don't know if I can trust him.." Felix replied, his facial expression filled with denial.

"Not trusting him? I think you can trust him more than you can trust me. I haven't been able to be there for you for most of your life, cause we both were scared of mama and papa. But this boy managed to get us out of the house in a limited time plan, talked to the only people he knew, for our sake..I wouldn't have been able to do that..heck, even Jisung couldn't. You should respect him, he is nothing but humble and sweet..he went against each and every norm us kids has to follow, simply to be able to let us have our own lives" Minho spoke, his voice still calm and soft.

Jeongin wondered how someone could stay so calm and collected. Maybe he was tired. Perhaps used to it? Maybe he just was calm and collected.

But he couldn't deny that it was weird hearing Minho speak. Especially that much. Considering the fact that he have never heard him utter a word before.

"Think about it" He finished off quick, leaving the room to go back to the good old silence. Each and every individual tense.

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