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"Jeongin, I don't think it's a great idea to skip school right now..I would legit die if they found out, I have to work my payment off" Felix spoke, anxiety and worry filling his eyes.

They were walking alongside each other, a small distance between, making the public know that they weren't exactly friends. Jeongin couldn't help but to chuckle at the words. Even though the situation was serious, he couldn't help but find the boy's worried behaviour, quite funny.

"I know, that is why I want you to talk to this person..Jisung might be there. My driver told me he'd pick us up when finished.." Jeongin spoke, walking less worried than the other. Who took slow, yet long steps, almost painful to watch.

"Who? Why devil town?" Felix asked, watching as they turned towards the infamous devil town.

People from the other side of the road gave dirty looks, a bunch of frowns on their faces as they passed by regularly. It was bothering Jeongin, why stare so much? Why did they have to judge where they went? It simply so misleading, sure the town wasn't great. But, Jeongin meant most of them were misunderstood, abandoned or going through difficult times.

Sure that didn't mean some people were bad with a reason. Others did like to ruin the reputation of the said town, just for it to be mentioned everywhere.

"Felix do you trust me?" Jeongin spoke, looking at Felix with a frown.

"No, I actually do not" Felix spoke between his teeth. His hands running through his own brown locks, as he sighed out. "I mean, I barely know you okay? I don't know who you want me to meet..leaving school with you was a big mistake, i-..Jeongin, this is not a good idea. If anyone catches us, we'd both end up in cages" Felix further explained, his anxiety showing through his tones of words.

Jeongin frowned, it was frustrating. First Felix didn't wanna let him go, then he didn't wanna talk, and now he is getting all worked up.

He was for sure that Felix was being mentally fucked with. And he honestly hoped the best for him.

"We'll arrive soon..I recommend just taking the help both me and them could offer..do you even have anyone else?" Jeongin questioned, looking at the boy who immediately got quiet, goosebumps evident on his skin, as he took a deep breath. "I thought so..don't make this hard for us okay?" Jeongin finished of, stopping infront of the opened tattoo shop with a small smile.

He loved to meet Chan here, just to see him work and do what he liked. He also couldn't help but to smile everytime he saw his own drawing on the stencil wall, it made butterflies turn in his stomach.

"Why a tattoo shop? Jeongin, I swear you are plotting to make everything turn for the worse!" Felix whined.

The boy was too scared to simply enter a tattoo shop, so Jeongin used all his weight in his body to push Felix towards the door. Half succeeding as the boy ended up giving in half way through.

Felix sighed as he pushed open the door, staring at a male wearing a black tank top, his arms visibly showing the many tattoos on his body. Felix stood mouth wide opened, and Jeongin found himself chuckling at the sight.

"Channie! We're here..wake up Jisung please" Jeongin announced their arrival, going to hug the taller male, who seemed to spend his free time, sketching new tattoo ideas.

Chan looked at Jeongin for a brief moment, before looking at the boy behind him, standing on shaky legs as he hesitated to walk in further.

"It's alright, come on in" He spoke, a concerned smile plastered on his face before walking towards the back of the shop, most probably waking the squirrel from his slumber.

"I like the wall" Felix mumbled as he came nearer, standing now closer beside Jeongin while gazing at the stencil wall.

"Chan is very creative, that's what I like about him the most".

Jeongin smiled, still spotting the same old drawing on the wall that he made himself..he loved how Chan portrayed the younger's art, it made him feel special.

"You like him don't you?" Felix spoke again, voice still small and shaky, seemingly coming out of the frustrated thoughts in hid head.

For sure he did, but he didn't quite know how to express it, he was also confused whether Chan felt the same..but he did right? All the night long cuddles, that on kiss on his head. Chan wasn't just being nice..right?


"Alright Jisung's up, let's talk".

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