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Jeongin sat back his hair with some hair gel. His eyes fixated on his reflection in the mirror as he painted a small bit of concealer under his eyes, to cover up the dark circles resulting from the lack of sleep he got last night. His parents arrived home exactly a week after they left, so obviously Jeongin had now a lot to be expecting, and his parents were one of them. The second thing he was preparing for was his father's 50th birthday, thankfully held in his their own house for once. Which meant that Jeongin could get his own privacy if he wanted to.

It wasn't exactly his farther he was excited about, it was seeing Seungmin. It's only been 3 days since they last saw each other, which was just a lonely night he decided to invite the boy over for some gaming. Their bond has seemed to be getting better, which obviously resulted into a better friendship with each other. It was fun to think about, cause he still remember their first impression of each other. Actually his first impression with every teenager within this stupid, rich community has been,,quite frankly said, bad and chaotic.

But he still made some of the closest people from the shit he's been doing. He did know it was all for self-defense it the beginning, and it was probably the same for the others. But it didn't really matter to him back then..it did now, cause back then he didn't know what love or friends was. He thought he did, but he was obviously wrong. He now knows what was true and what was false. And it was no lie that he only knew those exact things, purely because of his friends.

A knock could be heard on the door, disturbing the boy's peaceful mindset and small discussions of thoughts ringing through his head. He looked away from the mirror to glance at whoever decided to interrupt him.

But when he very own eyes looked up to spot his own mother in the door way of his bedroom, he couldn't help but to avoid her gaze. He didn't want to talk to her, actually, they haven't spoken a word to each other after the accident. When he heard the very door being closed shut, and a pair of footsteps getting more louder and clear, meaning that his mother has entered his room. Which resulted in him shifting his gaze down to the floor, to fully avoid her presence completely. He wasn't guilty..no, he was anxious. After that incident he couldn't tell when his parents would switch up their mood. And judging by the first look he saw on her face, she seemed neither happy nor angry. Just simply fine.

But he knew there was somehow a catch to it. Or else his mother, who in reality didn't give any form of shit about him, wouldn't have entered or stop by his room in general.

So he anxiously waited for her to speak, his eyes being more focused on his bandaged leg rather then the floor. He couldn't exactly believe it's quite the time since his parents actually broke the bones in his leg and feet..how he no longer had that suffocating cast on, but a simple bandage for some extra stability. He felt caged in, his breaths were slow and uneasy. He couldn't handle the tension. But he didn't wanna dare to speak.

"Jeongin. Tonight is your father's birthday. Don't try anything stupid please, important business dealers, and the neighbors will be attending. The first few guest has already arrived. I just need you to stay quiet" His mother spoke, her voice calm and collected as she spat her words.

Jeongin couldn't exactly get himself to reply, but he had too. He didn't wanna make his own mother angry for giving an attitude. But it seemed like whatever he did, he just simply couldn't help but fuck up every time.

"Why do you always expect me to do something bad? Am I really the one causing trouble from speaking direct facts. Mom, I never hated you guys more than I do till this day. What you did that day, still can be shown on me..it wasn't okay" he spoke, wanting to atleast see if mercy could still he shown from his own mother. But his mother just chuckled deeply, making him flinch when she crouched down beside him.

"We never meant to hurt you. It was also your fault, you pushed our buttons..you shouldn't have done that..you knew the result of your actions. If you never embarrassed us, yelled or disobeyed us. You wouldn't have ended up in the hospital, we wouldn't have your personal driver threatening us" She spoke, her voice sickly sweet as she tried putting his stupid, manipulating words into his head.

He wondered how this could be his fault. Yes he yelled, and he knew that was a problem of his he needed to deal with, but he never knew how to tackle his emotions, he haven't gotten used to feel anything before, because they restricted him from having friends. His mother's excuse wasn't valid enough, atleast not in his opinion. A parent should never hit their own child. It was an unspoken rule in parenting, something everyone should know.

Yet here he was, with a still healing foot, a bleeding inner wound, that cause distrust in his own parents.

He didn't know them anymore..did he ever know them?

"And not only was he threatening us to raise his pay by 30% to stay quiet about this, but also he requested being your only driver from that day on, so others who works for us, wouldn't see how we allegedly abused our own child. Do you think that's fair? That we have to understand such boundaries from one lower than us? If people knew, then they'll think we're disgusting..so you better keep your mouth shut today, and for the rest of your life about this. We cannot afford having you slip up, it is not going to benefit us in any way" his mother dragged out, her words driving in his head. He hated those words, he wanted to just push her away from him.

His mind was screaming danger, alerting him of his mom, who stared up at him from her crouched position. But he couldn't get himself to look back at her.

He was upset. But he knew better than to react upon it.

"You still did the wrong thing mom. Your excuses are shitty. But I promise to stay quiet, but I also promise to get the heck away from you, once I get the opportunity to do so" He spoke through gritted teeth, his hands bawling into fists.

It hurted to say. But it was clear that his parents didn't need him for anything other than their reputation and the future of their company. He could see that, and he knew it very well.

"You don't need to pretend you love me, or that you care for me. I'm not the innocent boy you know mom. I've done a lot worse things for you to be ashamed off. And I don't want to be kept in this family for the sake of taking over your company one day..so If we can make a deal..just one deal. I promise not to say a word, I promise the behave and not cause trouble..if you allow me to..leave this resident, to leave this family and company" he spoke, hoping he could get away from this house peacefully, without having to runaway without them knowing..without them contacting the police. He wanted to be unknown. And if he could make this deal with his mother, then he'd be free and happy for once.

"I can't agree to that Jeongin. You are our only child..the only available option to take over the company..we can't ju-".

"I honestly don't care. If you want your reputation up to the maximum again mother, then listen to me. We make this deal, and you get that perfect son for the public to see, you get you deals in peace without me causing trouble. I'll be an angel..all I want from it is freedom and for you to never contact me again once i turn 18..the I'll be gone, you can excuse my disappearance however you want. Say I got murdered, tell them I got cancer, tell them I'm serving for the military..I don't care what excuse you come up with..I just don't want to be here anymore. So if you get your way, I get my way. It's fair, so..deal?" Jeongin spoke, standing up as he finally looked at his mother, his eyes sharp in a glare as he stood up from his chair.

His mother was quiet for a second, thinking about the general idea. Being married to a CEO wasn't easy but no matter what, his mother still had control.

The control he wants.


"Is it a deal mom?".

Plot twist.

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