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"You're exactly like I've expected" Chan spoke, lighting up a cigarette as he to a drag from it immediately.

"Uhm..is that a compliment or?" Jeongin asked, unsure whether he should take the latter's words lightly.

"Well, Jisung have told a lot..and with that I mean a lot. Mainly just basic information, but I assume that is practically your only information, since Jisung did say you aren't even allowed to have an opinion in your household" Chan chuckled, blowing out smoke from his plump lips, looking at Jeongin with slight amusement.

Jeongin didn't really mind such information being leaked. He would have told them anyways if he ever got the chance, hoping they could give him a bit advice to make him convince his parents to leave half of his stuff unsupervised..including himself.

"Yeah..but I guess i just have to live with that till I move out..how about you? You own a tattoo shop?" Jeongin spoke, quickly changing the topic towards the latter. Which Chan seemed too fully understand.

After all, Jeongin came here to have a fun and good time..not to hang around the thought of his parents.

"Mhm..I loved stabbing ink and needles into peoples bodies" Chan joked..making Jeongin chuckle in response.

"On yourself too?".

"Well I suppose that is quite obvious. It is basically my life style right now..you should come by the shop some day..I wanna get to know you better" Chan spoke, seemingly taking his interest in the innocent boy infront of him.

Jeongin choked on that thought. If his parents even saw him near a tattoo shop, or just outside school without his driver, they would break..and with that he meant it.

"I- uhm..yeah maybe let's not do that" Jeongin said, fiddling with his hands.

Chan moved to rest hid elbows on his thighs, looking at Jeongin with an intense gaze. Which definitely took the boy's breath away.

"How old are you?" Chan spoke, tilting his head as he looked at the boy. "You seem like you're 13 or something..but I know you aren't that young".

"I'm 17, and thank you very much for telling me that I look like a baby" Jeongin groaned jokingly, rolling his eyes in response As well.

"Well..you are a baby..I'm 22, boring right..being adult and having responsibilities, blah blah blah" Chan spoke, making the younger immediately laugh at the comment he made.

Something was both intimidating and interesting about Chan. He seemed laid back and cool, also very understandable for some reason. It only made him question, did he ever have to face complications with his parents? Was it a personal question to ask?..considering that they just met.

"Damn, you're old..why are hanging around these places either way?" Jeongin spoke calmly.

"Well you see. I founded this small group of people that could come and hang out right beneath my apartment..people that needed an escape from reality for a second, and people that needed to just have some friends to hangout with" Chan spoke, letting the younger learn more new thing about the older.

Jeongin was quite surprised to know that Chan funded this place. It was really nice and comfy, definitely somewhere to let go of your feelings. But why did he do that in the first place? Why was he determined to let people escape their minds for a second?

"Why though? Why are you determined to help people run away from the thoughts for second?" Jeongin asked, clear respect hidden underneath his voice.

"Cause I don't want my loved ones to be chased down by their thoughts, or having to run after their brain to catch up to everything..I wish I had someone do that to me when I was a teenager. Being young and reckless are indeed you're golden years, but also the time where you would face the most difficulties..and yes sometimes you just need a break..I've been doing this for years. Actually ever since I was 16..it had not only helped me, but a lot of my friends out" Chan spoke, a smile plastered on his face as he looked at his friends..having their time and fun with no worries in their mind at the moment.

"That..is actually really sweet of you" Jeongin spoke, making the taller's had snap towards him in an instant.

Jeongin realized the quick reactions, almost scared if he had said something wrong..but Chan just smile, nodding his head as he accepted the compliment with gratitude.

"I don't get compliments often..so that was very nice to hear" He spoke, full honesty shown in his voice. "I think that you and me are going to be very great friends".

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