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TW: smut.

"Is that so?" Chan smiled, picking up the younger gently. His hands wrapped around his legs, who held themselves firmly around Chan's waist.

He could feel their bodies being close. So soft, pretty and beautifully aligned. It felt nice in a different way.

Actually everything was different. The atmosphere, the tension, their persona, everything, it all changed up. But in a good way. Like the perfect ice cream with cherry on top.

"Mhm..just don't hurt me, then it'll be alright" Jeongin smiled, hiding his head in the elder's neck. Softly kissing the nape of it, as he could hear Chan hum softly.

He had a feeling where this was heading. And if he should be honest. He didn't know how to feel about it. But he craved for something, and if Chan knew what it was..he would be more than willing to let the older lead the progress.

"Well then" Chan chuckled, throwing the younger on to the bed, smirking as he hovered above his fragile small frame. Making the younger blush softly. "Let's get down to business hm?".

There was no words spoke afterwards. Only lips meeting lips as they shared a passionate, lustful kiss. Jeongin couldn't help, but to place his arms around the latter's neck again, pulling him much more closer than he thought he could. Their bodies has collided, Chan keeping his steady figure as Jeongin was slowly growing desperate beneath him.

The kiss deepened as the both got lost in each other. Their tongues fought together, both parties never giving up on trying to find dominance within the kiss. Jeongin wanted to win, mainly for the fact that he was competitive. But Chan was experienced..atleast he guessed, the man couldn't be virgin right? But he wouldn't mind either way. They were both humans after all.

Jeongin's hands found it's place in Chan's hair, hoping that'll loosen some strings for the older. But he only chuckled into the kiss, immediately taking a hold of Jeongin's wrist. With one singular hand motion, Jeongin was bring pinned to the bed. Eyes widening open as he lost control over himself, eventually submitting to Chan in seconds.

"Now, now..little sneaky fox, that is not how you play" Chan whispered in his ear, breaking the kiss off completely. Jeongin couldn't help but choke on the words being spoken.

He found the older hot this way, but he didnt mind his more soft side. He loved both actually.

"But I like playing.." Jeongin smiled innocently, driving the older completely nuts.

"Oh really then..then you wouldn't mind playing a little game with me would ya?" Chan smiled, looking down at the younger with the most intimidating yet hot gaze, and he was enjoying it.

Now this was sexual tension.

"D-depends on what game" Jeongin stuttered out, feeling the purity in his veins slowly fading as the seconds passes by.

But he was willing to give himself up for Chan, and only him.

"You need to be undressed, before I find something in my drawer..If you fail to be quick, you'll obey whatever I want..alright?" Chan smiled.

Chan obviously loved to take ownership over the younger. He wanted to claim his prey once and for all. A slow, and pleasant way.

"That seems fun..what if I win?" Jeongin spoke, alright up for the challenge.

"You'll get to do experiment whatever sexual you want with me..alright?" Chan asked, liking how the younger still asked him, despite not having to be the one choosing his own punishment.

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