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"I want..no. need to know what happened to you and your brother.." Jeongin mumbled. Watching as the boy took a seat.

"It started out like a dream..when me and my brother caught each others doings, we promised to never say a word to anyone. We kept it a secret. Enjoying our life to the fullest..." Felix trailed off, letting the boy opposite from him, take a seat beside him.

So much was running through Jeongin's head. He just never seemed to find peace. Why was it so hard? Even in the most quitest area in school, trouble seemed to rise? What a remark..it made him feel tense and anxious.

"I mainly went out to parties, going to something called the place in devil town. I went out, ate fast-food..I met some friends, planning when to meet up, since my phone was too risky to convert over" Felix explained, smiling bitterly at the fun memories, swarming through his brain. "My Brother..Lee Minho, had other interest. His boyfriend. Jiung? Jina? No I think it was Jisung?".


Just, fuck.

Jeongin felt as if he needed to hear that again, but kept quiet. Wanting to hear more. He started feeling invested in Felix's words. But not feeling like cutting the boy off just yet.

"Yeah, Jisung. He was a nice boy, always helping us get out of the house..well mainly my brother. Though, there was one night..Friday night actually. My brother and his boyfriend had a ritual, or well that's what I'd like to call it..Jisung would come over, watch movies with him..but that one particular night, they were caught by our parents..they were..you know..having a bit of an intimate moment with each other..and seemingly, one of our parents has woken up with a migraine..normally going to take some painkillers, but uhm..yeah, heard some commotion and walked in on them" Felix spoke, his voice grew more shaky as time passed, needing to take a break before continuing something that should have never been started.

"They went nuts..pulling them away from each other, Jisung barely got dressed before I heard Minho yell at him to leave. Then he jumped from the window instead of climbing..causing him to break his arm..Minho in the meantime, tried getting dressed. But was unable too..due to the commotion, I appeared aswell..a-and then hell broke out" Felix stopped talking wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his uniform.

Jeongin assumed he was finished, so he almost went to ask another question until the deep, now broken voice stopped him from speaking.

"My father just..jumped at him, hitting him, and kicking him, so much more hurtful things that I don't even want to think off..my brother didn't stand a chance against our father, and my mom was holding me back, from interfering. If felt like pure torture to watch him go through..but I'm sure Minho felt worse. I could only see fear, and pain evident in his eyes..I almost passed out from crying..".

"It went on like that for days. They wouldn't alow him to leave his room, they didn't feed him, or serve him any form for hydration neither. And everytime he simply was heard speaking, he was beaten..I felt so bad, that one night I sneaked out to buy some food..you know McDonald's..I ran miles to get to the one located in devil town, I don't know why I chose that place..it just felt like home. I bought the food, brought it home..and sneaked into my brother's room".

The way Felix paused, to avoid crying out loud, wanted to make Jeongin comfort him..but he was desperate for information, so he sat back down, slightly impatient, as he waited for the boy to continue.

"And?" He spoke, after three minutes passed, causing the boy to flinch.

"And then..we ate..my brother could barely even move, I had to feed him the first few bites. When he got the strength to sit up and eat on his own, he poured the drink down his throat, the thirst must have been so hurtful at that point..when he finished..I left. Going to my own room the finish my own food..that's when my parents walked in on me. At that moment I felt fear rise within me, and I couldn't help but to run towards the window..I almost ended up like Jisung..well worse actually, I did not know how to land properly..so..I was hospitalized, and when I got out..I was forced to pay my own bill, through my own money..that's why I'm here..I'm lucky I ended up like that, so I can pay for the fee" Felix spoke, arm grabbing his shoulder, shutting his eyes tight at the memory.

"My brother is still in his room, unable to escape, there's a guard by his door, and one inside his room..I have one outside my door too..but no one here..even though I'm still convinced, that someone is watching me".

The whole story did not put an end to Jeongin's anxiety, it worsened it. His eyes closed, deep breath exhalating from his body, as he tried to keep himself under control.

If Jisung really was involved in this..then why did he never tell Jeongin? What if it's a different Jisung? And not the Han Jisung, that Jeongin know seemingly inside out? Jeongin had questions. Many of them, and he was going to ask..ask all of them.

"So your only here, to pay off debts?" Jeongin asked, starting off lightly.

"Well yes..and school..but I'm not able to attend often, due to my parents outrage on me and my brother" Felix sighed, looking towards the door before speaking again. "I just want Minho out of that house..please, if there is any way you can help me get him out, then I'd let you go right now..just please" Felix begged, almost going on his knees if it weren't for Jeongin stopping him.

"1..I'm not planning on leaving so fast. 2..I don't think I'm capable of leaving..I know I may sound selfish, but I have my own parents to worry about..but I can try..to see if it may be possible, if someone I know can help you?" Jeongin spoke, having no idea as to why he was so willing to help.

He could only assume that he could relate to the feeling of being in a cage. And if Minho wasn't feeling well..then he'd had to put matters into his own hands..

"This is going to be the death of me.." Jeongin sighed, sliding down his chair, half way. Rubbing his face in despair.

"No, we're both going to be ended Yang Jeongin" Felix remarked, standing up with shaky legs. "We are both actually already done".

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