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That morning Jeongin woke up slightly more tired than usual. Which in his case was understandable, considering the fact he was awake for such a long time earlier this night. But he chose not to think much about. He also felt relieved from some form of pressure that has sat on his shoulders for quite some time now. So he was naturally happier when he didn't feel that waking up this morning.

"Honey...Jungso is ready by the car" His father spoke, surprising Jeongin a tiny bit as he rarely saw his father in the morning.

"Goodmorning dad!" Jeongin exclaimed, actually very happy to see his father show up this morning.

His father would often go to work early and leave late at noon, where he then had one or two meetings awaiting him. Jeongin got used to his absence, since he was gone the exact same way when he was a child. Despite the pressure and the very incredibly strict rules his parents had for him, he still loved them.

But he couldn't help but to sometimes wonder...was he only still loving them because he was being obedient infront of their eyes? How would they react if the knew he ate a gummy bear 2 months ago, or if he snuck out last night..and that he even sneaks in his best friend, that they still didn't know the existence off.

"Goodmorning son..now go hurry before you get late..me and mom would hate for you to be late to school, so run while Jungso is still waiting" His father spoke, making Jeongin grab his backpack..running down the stairs and out the door to where his driver, Jungso stood, looking at the watch on his wrist.

Jeongin was beaming with happiness. He felt so relieved that he just couldn't hold down his smile as he greeted his driver, of course with a wide grin on his face. Immediately situating himself in the fancy car..anticipating to see Jisung again today.

He remembered falling asleep while he was there..just like he requested. And the thought of Jisung not just leaving for the sake of his own sleep, made Jeongin far more happier than he probably should be.

Jeongin also thought a lot about Chan..he seemed like a really nice person, well despite their age differences. He didn't really care though, Chan seemed genuinely nice and he was going to ask Jisung if they one day could sneak out and visit the older.

So yes, it was no lie he was taking interest, and it was showing. But how else could he react after meeting a bunch of amazing people last night? Sure they were indeed far more rebellious and some even quite meaner than Jisung. But it still didn't change the fact he had probably sat his own imprint in that place.

"You are unusually smiley and quiet today" his driver Jungso spoke up..looking at the boy with a soft look.

Jeongin looked towards Jungso, giving him a smile. They wouldn't usually talk together, Jungso would only answer question Jeongin had, and fulfill the younger's requests when he had some. So for Jungso to comment on such things, definitely did catch his attention.

Jeongin knew he had to lie..or else he would definitely be suspected for maybe finding a love interest behind his parents back..he didn't really know Jungso, since they never talked on a personal level..so he decided to go with a light and harmless lie, mainly to see his reaction.

"Nothing! A new boy started in my class yesterday, and he had made a great impression on me. I want to be his friend, but I don't know how mom and dad would react" he lied, letting Jungso take in each one of the lies spoken. Cause yes, he did meet someone yesterday, but that wasn't in school..or nor did they go to his school, so he believed he could get away with such a lie.

After all, Jungso shouldn't be allowed to talk with Jeongin on a personal level anyways. His job was strictly professional, but what his parents didn't knew couldn't harm..right?

"Your funny...why be so nervous about how they would react, when you sneak in that little friend of yours into your room almost everyday?" Jungso spoke, making Jeongin's blood run cold in seconds as he heard the words drip from the latter's mouth.

Panic filled his body slightly, as he now thought that Jisung and his friendship would officially be over. He didn't really know what to say nor do. We're they that obvious? How did Jungso know? Jeongin started not being able to hear his own thoughts..and it frustrated him.

"H-how did you-".

"Don't worry I haven't said anything..nor am I going too..it is indeed your own private life, that your parents are ruining. I saw him climb up to your window when I left after driving you father home from a meeting about 4 weeks ago" Jungso spoke, looking towards Jeongin with a soft smile.

"But why did you drive my dad? I thought you only were my personal driver?" Jeongin asked, getting even more confused and curious. As the building adrenaline in his body slowly took a break and calmed down for a minute.

Jungso sipped his coffee he had beside him, stopping at a red light giving him time to adjust his suit and tie, before eventually starting to drive again.

"Well, your father's driver was actually very sick that day..and he didn't have time to go get one of the spare ones, but I happened to actually bump into him and do him a favor, you know for some extra payment" Jungso explained leaving Jeongin's questions completely answered.

"Listen..I want you to know that your secrets can be safe with me. I know we first started speaking..but really, don't be scared to text me anytime you want too..if you and your friend wants to hangout together outside school, and outside sneaking into your house..I could drive you, and make an excuse for you to your parents..just tell me" Jungso spoke, making Jeongin nod as he still felt somehow unsure about the whole situation that has suddenly evolved.

Seems like him and Jisung might start to be a bit more careful..

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