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It definitely haven't been easy. Jeongin had been sitting in his room, for about a week now, along with Chan, who his mother finally knew about..but hasn't yet seen. Jeongin was planning on just introducing Chan to her, not for any reason, but mainly just for the purpose of showing her not to mess with what he was achieving at the moment. Chan has been staying here for a week, only because Jeongin needed the extra hand, and secretly because he missed the man too much to be without him for a single moment.

So, for the past week they've spend inside the room, Chan occasionally leaving for the sake of getting some food. While Jeongin was busy contacting the bank he has signed up for, and to move all the physical documents that surrounded him in the floor..onto his digital files a documents, to not only have easier access to them. But to be able to carry the things he needs anywhere and everywhere. He has been researching more about apartments and moving out on his own, much more than he has been studying for the final exams this year.

He knew he was in shaky ground by doing that. But he couldn't stand to live like this anymore, and wanted the opportunity to be completely gone from this family. He didn't want to be Yang Jeongin, the son of one of the biggest share holders of companies in Korea. He'd rather just be..you know, Jeongin. A simple boy with limited friends knowing his background. He didn't want to be known, he wanted to be gone.

And he knew by the already lack of public appearances he's had since he was a child, that he could possibly get away with it.

But of course his main focus was on his escape first. He didn't want no more people involved, his mother's involvement could already take a turn for the worst, and he didn't possibly want that to happen out of the blue. So he held up a back up plan, also known as plan b.

Which was. Move to the far countryside where no one would find him, or flee the country.

His current plan?

Moving out alone, maybe with Chan someday. Get a job, and be able to carry himself, which he needed too.

A knock disturbed the boy's hard focus on researching, and cause him to look up. In walked his mother who haven't been visiting his room for a whole week. Probably suspicious of the activity going on in the room, but to him, it didn't matter.

"Hi mom" Jeongin mumbled, shifting his gaze back to the computer screen on the floor as he started picking up the right papers for a specific folder.

"I thought it was just you up here all alone" His mother's voice spoke, closing the door behind her as she walked in his room without allowance. But he didn't exactly care.

He couldn't bring himself to anymore. He was for too away from reality to even think about anything other than his escape at the moment. His only form of reality was Chan, who got him out of his little research bubble for cuddles and kisses. Just to relieve the younger boy's stress for a while.

"I have someone over" Jeongin sighed heavily, pointing at the backpack on his bed, filled with what in his mother's eyes would be unrecognizable, but to Jeongin, he could see who that backpack belonged to miles away upon seeing it. "Chan" he muttered out again, making his mother turn around in slight surprise.

"That man you've been talking about?" She spoke earning a nod from her son who finally closed down the tab on hid computer.

"Mhm..he is taking a shower right now..I think he'll come out soon" he explained turning around to see his mother sitting on his bed. "His been here for a week".

"Oh..I just came to say how grateful I am, that you are willing to back out of this life..my life, and your father's. Thus sounds bad, but I'm really happy that you are finally leaving so I wouldn't have the pressure of taking care of..you" his mother whispered, but loud enough for Jeongin to hear.

Again. It hurt like fucking hell to be told..being an unwanted child really have taken a toll on him ever since he got told. And he honestly wanted to punch his parents..if he didn't sort of agree with them.

"You have to remember I'm not doing this for you mom" he spoke annoyed by her audacity. "I'm only doing this for myself and my future..I'm not going to be caged up like you and force my children to become something they don't want to be like you would momma" He spoke, making his mother lower her head in shame.

She knew what she did wrong, and he managed to make her accept it. That for him, was an achievement in itself. An achievement he was proud of. He wanted them to feel shame and guilt, to be haunted by it. But he wasn't a bad person, it was just intrusive thoughts that made him think like that.

"You found anything yet baby?" A voice from behind spoke, causing everyone in the room to freeze immediately. Jeongin glaced behind his shoulder to see Chan, thankfully fully clothed, staring at his mother in shock. And his mother, having a similar expression in her face.

"I found something that could..work out. But you can judge with your own eyes if you want too" Jeongin smiled brightly at Chan, causing the man to shift his attention away from the obviously shocked woman. "That's my mom.." he explained, nodding his head towards her directions, knowing damn well they have never met one another before.

Chan just nodded and sat beside Jeongin, close enough for their legs and shoulder too touch.

"New years is uhm nearing Jeongin..our family has been invited to the party held at Lee's this year..it's your choice if you want to attend..your father might pressure you though.." his mother spoke as she stood up, eyes still lingering to the unfamiliar man in the room.

"I'm sick that day, I can't go. I'll cause trouble anyways, and we made a deal for me not to do that..so I'm sick from now on, till I'll move out" he spoke, far more interested in Chan's recent discovery of a nice looking, decent priced apartment in Seoul..making him smile. "I like that one" he mumbled, nodding to confirm his agreement making Chan chuckle.

"I should get going" his mother spoke before walking towards the door and opening it, about to leave fully before turning around last second. "If you need something..call me..Yang is out of the house for a few days" She spoke before leaving the room, making Jeongin shake his head.

Chan scooped Jeongin in his arms as soon as the door was locked fully, finally cuddling the boy he was supposed to do 15 minutes ago.

"You really made her feel bad huh?" He smiled, dialing the number for the owner of the apartment they scouted, hoping it was available, to be bought or possibly rented.

"She deserves it..I have to constantly knock sense into her..I can't wait for this nightmare to end" Jeongin smiled, knowing that he had his fair share of reasons to be cold hearted towards his family..they hurt him first..so if they got hurt by the cold shoulder, then they were the pathetic ones.

Chan hummed, kissing the boy as the call got picked up. Eventually shifting his attention to speak to the lady on the other side of the phone.

"After this, could we watch a movie?" He whispered, making Chan smile and nod his head gently.

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