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Jeongin spend the weekend at Chan's place, finding the atmosphere much more welcoming and calming, than his own house. He got to experience quite I few things..first it was McDonald's for breakfast, then Chan just cooked a regular meal for dinner..but it included rice..white rice, something Jeongin has also been restricted from eating..

So with an unusual amount of energy, he walked happily into school..key word..happily. he first spotted Jisung against his locker, a new dyed blue hair, making him stand out amongst the students.

"Good morning Innie!" Jisung greeted, pulling his friend into a long hug. "How's your tattoo?" Jisung asked, wiggling his brows as he looked at Jeongin with a mischievous smile, decorating his face.

"Just fine..I spend the weekend at Chan's..so he helped me keep an eye on it" Jeongin chuckled, looking at Jisung who continued wiggling his brows. "Your brows are about to flynoff if you continue like that Ji" Jeongin laughed, watching as the male acted quite literally offended.

They were just socializing by the locker, the school on Monday usually let the students rest up to an hour before attending first class..which was just usually reading, or writing essays done, before moving on to actual teaching. So they spend their time by just talking, messing with each other..and of course talk about serious matters, like they always end up doing.

"Chan and I saw Seungmin at McDonald's.." Jeongin spat, looking at Jisung.

Did Jisung even know about Seungmin? What version does Jisung know of Seungmin..Saturday morning was a mess to understand, and so much to take in, he barely got any time to rest his little precious head for once.

"Wait..that quiet kid? Like the one that lives quite literally right beside your bedroom window?" Jisung spoke, slightly shocked.

"Mhm, haven't you seen him before at the place. Chan says Seungmin goes there a lot..he also told me to befriend him" Jeongin spoke, feeling like he was complaining about a parent, rather than an older friend.

Jisung though for awhile, looking at Jeongin with wide eyes.

"No I don't think so..I must've not been sober, I'm usually never sober when I'm at the place.." Jisung chuckled, letting himself breathe in slightly. "How about you-" before Jisung could continue, q voice broke him off, sending shivers down both their spines..as they turned to look.

"Jeongin" a voice shortly spoke again, letting the boy snap out of his running mind as if he was avoiding his own self for a moment. "Jisung, can I please talk with Jeongin..Alone" the boy requested, well more like a demand. Causing Jisung to stiffle out a small nod before seemingly walking towards their classroom.

Jeongin felt himself on edge, he tucked his uniform jacket a bit down, letting the pretty oversized clothing go. As he turned his full attention on the latter standing above him.

"About what Seungmin?" Jeongin spoke, changing the use of tone as he looked at Seungmin an innocent smile on his face.

"I saw you..with Chan, at McDonald's that morning..now I'm obviously not going to snitch, judging by the fact that I would get in trouble too" Seungmin spoke, a bit harsh, yet again demanding..why was he so demanding?

Jeongin frowned at that..how could Seungmin had seen him? He really tried hiding as best as he could, and the boy didn't even look in his direction while doing so..but then it hit him..

He didn't actually know how long Seungmin has been there, the latter could've has easily spotted him through the window.

Oh no..

"Seungmin, I mean it when I beg you not to snitch..I've only got one year left, till I'm an adult and yet has wasted my youth fully..I don't wanna grow up without controversial memories, like any other teenagers gets to experience..I just don't want them to find ou-".

"That you've been sneaking in Jisung in your bedroom for over a year now, and even snuck out with him this past week?" Seungmin spoke, raising his brows in unison, seeing right through the younger.

Yep, that was exactly it, how many more knew his secret. First Jungso, then Seungmin..how many does he need to beg for on his knees.


"Listen let's make a deal. We'll both keep this as a secret, and I'll give you some better tips to sneak out, cause Jisung has clearly been caught once by that driver of yours"..

Great..Seungmin definitely knows too much.

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