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"Innie.." Chan shook the young boy awake, watching as he squirmed around. Trying to hide from the sunlight, that surpassed the blinds infront of the window.

Chan had carried Jeongin all the way home yesterday, as he was asleep, and he couldn't bear waking up the peaceful boy. So he figured putting him in his bed and staying for the night wouldn't hurt. Now he just had to face Jeongin, and he deep down hoped Jeongin remembered yesterday, just as much as he himself did.

The tension that rose between them was somewhat awkward yet still comforting, to the point they wouldn't move their precious hands from one another.

"Chan?" Jeongin crooked out, rubbing on side of his eye. Giving the male above him a tired look.

"Goodmorning sweetiepie" Chan called out in a sweet tone..already making the biggest, most prominent blush decorate the younger's cheeks.

Jeongin sat up, looking around him to confirm he indeed was in for safe walls. "Those nicknames are gonna get put of hand" Jeongin chuckled, standing up as he looked down at his clothes.

Still the same as yesterday's outfit, making the boy sigh out in relief.

"I have plenty" Chan spoke, bringing the boy into a hug.

"Mh..what time is it?" Jeongin asked, voice still sleepy and slightly deep. Causing older to visibly smile at the overall cuteness.

"Only 7:30..we have sometime before you gotta go to school" Chan whispered, lifting the boy up in his arms..finding it irresistible not to do so.

The younger was just so lightweight, his smaller frame standing out so much..so eye appealing for even the toughest guy to break into pure adoration. The boy was adorable, and Chan couldn't deny his beating heart that hammered against his chest, whenever he held the boy near. And since he loved that feeling, Chan took every chance he got to bring the boy closer to them.

"Can't I stay home today?? I feel like I'm sick" Jeongin pouted, fluttering  his eyelashes at Chan.

"Lovesick hm?" Chan bucked up his eyebrows.

Jeongin blushed hiding his face in Chan's neck, who only let out a soft laughter as he hugged the boy impossibly nearer.

Jeongin could feel his heart pick up it's pace, the smell of Chan's cheap cologne lingered in his nose. Sticking his nose towards it's source, as he couldn't stop but inhald it lightly.

"Oh dude, his flirting~" A voice appeared causing both Jeongin and Chan to turn around with a surprised look.

There stood Jisung and Seungmin, two different expressions on their faces as they looked at the couple looking boys infront of them. Seungmin had his usual stone cold face on, while Jisung was grinning from ear to ear.

"Goddammit..I should have closed the window" Jeongin shook his head, hiding it away again..only as an excuse to linger himself back to Chan's cologne.

"So when's the wedding?" Jisung asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Looking at the two boys.

Chan finally let go of Jeongin as he landed on the floor softly. Making him smile at his friend's appearance.

"I didn't expect Seungmin to come in...but Jisung..yeah he is here almost everyday" Jeongin sat down on the bed as he spoke..slightly more awake.

They ignored Jisung's statement. Leaving him to pout on his own as Chan approached Seungmin. A small smile on his face as the two bestfriends on the bed, stayed conversing with each other. Leaving Chan and Seungmin to talk remotely alone.

Seungmin looked at Jeongin for a brief moment, before turning his attention to Chan. Who leaned against his wall as he waited for his friend to start talking.

"You like him" Seungmin spoke, not a question, but a statement. Letting Chan feel shivers run down his spine.

"Let's not talk about that please? You weren't meant to see that" Chan spoke, a blush now decorating his face.

Seungmin chuckled bitterly, before returning to his blank stare.

"That you were completely relaxed while holding him, as he legitimately seemed to inhale your cologne? Yeah we definitely did not need to see that" Seungmin spoke, turning around to look at Jeongin and Jisung..

Jisung was seemingly teasing Jeongin, while the boy had a hard time comprehending everything that just happened.

"The Lee's family are getting out of hand Chan" Seungmin whispered..looking at Chan for split second.

"What do you mean?".

"Lee Minho their son, was seen escaping through a window last night..he could be..God knows where?" Seungmin spoke frustrated, hands rubbing his face as he felt confused.

Chan knew that Seungmin had kept an eye on that family for a long time now. He knew things others didn't know. And he moderately spoke with Lee Felix when he actually came to school.

"I think his in devil town..".

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